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I've recently started dripping, i have a tugboat v2 & ipv2 revised version. For my first build i did a 1.1 ohm single coil 9 wrap 26 gauge on a 2.4 mm screwdriver. Its working good, i've been using it around 20 watts. Im wondering if theres a general rule where to use at. Im used to my nautilus at 13 watts, with rda theres no guidline so is there a common wattage per res or you just use it wherever. I first figured with rda you usually use around 4.2 volts like a mech. But for my coil its only 15-16 watts, ive been diggin it around 20 but 25 is good to but thats over 5 v, what would most of you rock a 1 ohm single coil rda at? My next build id like to go lower, .9, .8.. but you cant really do that with single coil with gauges i have, 26 & 28. To make a .8 with 26 id need like 6 wraps, for a single coil how many wraps should i have atleast