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New Campaign to stop vaping

While looking through my Apple News app, interestingly, found a couple of articles.

E-cig vapor releases two cancerous chemicals, new study says - The Washington Post and...
E-Cigarette Study Portends Lawsuits and Public-Use Bans - ValueWalk

Looks like they both come from the same source. The second article is written by the same person cited in the article (John Banzhaf) and the Washington Journal article seems to refer to Banzhaf. Banzhaf doesn't offer a link to any study, however the Journal offers a link to a small one pager.

This sort of thing tends to irritate me. The article headlines are extremely misleading as they are such an overall over-generalization regarding vaping, and e-juice in particular. They don't even offer up the brand or name or anything about the juice tested.

Bad reporting or big tobacco funded, or both? We seem to be in need of a coordinated campaign that gets into mainstream media to help cut down this fluff, or if there is one, please someone direct me to it.


Silver Contributor
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Member For 2 Years
Misleading information will always exist. What l think is needed is for the government, health department and the medical profession to disseminate the truth. Sadly in the states this is not happening and we know why.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
That banzaf motherfucker needs to get the hell off this planet.
The study and quoting as possible cancer causes.. bullshit, and keeps on with the bullshit from a proven bullshit study from 09/10.
The second one is also bullshit.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
propoganda is bad enough ...but for christsakes if you're gonna whore yourself out .at least make a fucking effort....the idea that delueging the masses with mindless hysterical headlines 24/7 is enough is so ....USSR 1965.....earn your fucking paycheck , if you can't deliver an artful and convincing set of lies get a real job....It's gotten to the point where the goverment no longer ask themselves ...."will they believe this load of shit" the point now where they tell themselves..."fuck the masses what the hell are they gonna do about it."
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Under Ground Hustler
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I mean the good stuff is good, The bad is well bad news but shit like above is the motherfucking stupid.

I wanted the Good, The Bad, and The Ugly reserving Ugly for the stupidest shit I've seen all week.

Anyway John Banzhaf is a Stanton Glantz, Simon Chapwell type character that hates all nicotine users unless it's a Pharmaceutical brand of nicotine.

They switched from hating Big Tobacco, to hating smoke, to hating smokers, to hating nicotine, to hating vapers, and they lost touch with the plan they made 30 years ago to cut smoking related disease and death down to next to nil.

Now they appear to be helping Big Tobacco protect the very market they set out to destroy 30 years ago.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I quit reading when they started with the punchline,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

"Researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found propylene glycol, an eye and respiratory irritant, and glycerin, a skin, eye and respiratory irritant,"


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