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New clues to nicotine addiction


Under Ground Hustler
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First I wonder if they used actual nicotine for the study or "Tobacco Smoke"?

My Guess would be Smoke since nicotine was not found to be very addictive outside of combustible tobacco cigarettes

Secondly I would be careful with these sort of studies since you can not talk to, or test a mouse to see how smart it is or test it's motor function, or it's ability to cope with others in stressful situations.

My point is if this stuff knocks the mouse retarded or turns the mouse into a serial killer it is a lot harder to tell so if they go and start giving it to humans you may end up with another chantix or worse - 5150


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Member For 4 Years
I agree with that. I'd want to see how well it would handle being told that Barrak Obama was president right after it's ability to 'smoke it off' has been taken away. :p


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can't believe they hand out Chantrix like candy...that shit is nasty....
I tried it when it first hit the market and it was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made.
My type 2 diabetes went out of control and never returned to the way it was before Chantix,
It made every bone in my body ache and to this day I still have pain.
And I felt like I was losing my mind. I only took it for 2 weeks and wish I never did.


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Member For 4 Years
I tried it ..they told me I had to gradually take small amounts till I got uo to the "minimal dosage"....fuck I couldn't get up the minimal dosage....body pains nausea...depression....fuck I lasted 4 days....shoulda just took rat poison and called her good.
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