Married 2 The 7
Member For 4 Years
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Member For 5 Years
Hello my name is Carlos and I am from Carson, CA. Just started vaping not so long ago and just now decided to join a forum. I am in a forum for everything else in my life (car, clothes, fantasy basketball/football etc) so why not something I am not that familiar with. I started with a ego twist my wife bought for me for my bday in Oct. Simple and very easy to use. My brother and Dad are veterans to the vape world and that's were I got the desire for a vape. I used to be a smoker years ago and would smoke any chance I had even though I could honestly say I was not addicted to it. Just the atmosphere of me being a party person always going out to clubs and partys, bars and having a reason to smoke while drinking became a habit. Fast forward to a year and a half ago my wife tells me one day she is pregnant. As of that day I stopped smoking cold turkey as people say with no regrets or desire of smoking. Have not had tobacco or nicotine since. The vape my wife got me came with a 0nic juice and have used 0 nic juice ever since. I am a flavor junkie and "cloud chaser" lol. I just recently got a Aspire Atlantis with the Aspire CF SUB mod. Love it so far! Hope to meet more people here!!