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New Member: Alan

Hey guys, my name is Alan Foley. I'm from Columbia, MO. Also I used to smoke about a pack of cigarettes a day until I started vaping. I've been cigarette free for about 4 months now, and I'm able to run farther again and do all of the things I missed being able to do. I'm still pretty new to this & currently I have an atlantis v2/istick 30w combo. It works for me at the moment, but I'm looking to move to this scene as more of a hobbyist when I can get the funds to do so. I really do enjoy being able to vape indoors and not bother my girlfriend by smelling like cigs 24/7. I'm really excited to post more on this and get to give/receive advice when I can. Thanks for reading!


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Welcome to the VU.
Glad to hear you have quit the smokes with the aid of vape.


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Welcome to VU, Alan! Glad to have you with us!


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Hey guys, my name is Alan Foley. I'm from Columbia, MO. Also I used to smoke about a pack of cigarettes a day until I started vaping. I've been cigarette free for about 4 months now, and I'm able to run farther again and do all of the things I missed being able to do. I'm still pretty new to this & currently I have an atlantis v2/istick 30w combo. It works for me at the moment, but I'm looking to move to this scene as more of a hobbyist when I can get the funds to do so. I really do enjoy being able to vape indoors and not bother my girlfriend by smelling like cigs 24/7. I'm really excited to post more on this and get to give/receive advice when I can. Thanks for reading!
great work on the 4 months man. That truly is a great accomplishment keep it up and welcome to the VU.

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