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New study finds exhaled e-cigarette vapour particles disappear within seconds


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So then whats hanging around in the air making it all hazy? I dont know about you, but when Im vaping in my apartment it gets pretty "smoky" really fast, and it definitely last more than just a "few seconds"


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
So then whats hanging around in the air making it all hazy? I dont know about you, but when Im vaping in my apartment it gets pretty "smoky" really fast, and it definitely last more than just a "few seconds"
I think it's a question of the volume of vapor you produce, and the vapor pressure of the liquids in the droplets vs. the partial pressure of those same substances in the air. Once the ambient air becomes saturated, droplets stop evaporating. Think of it this way: The steam from a single tea kettle on the stove dissipates quickly if the relative humidity in the room is reasonable, but if you produce enough steam to get the humidity in the room close to 100% and it stops dissipating and remains visible.

The study was performed with closed system devices that produce a low volume of vapor, not the fog machines that have taken over much of the vaping scene. How many watts are you vaping at? I.e. how many kettles do you have on the stove at once? ;)

What drives my nuts is when "researchers" conflate particles (which are solid and do not evaporate) with droplets (which are liquid and do evaporate). Smoke from burning vegetable matter contains a substantial amount of solid particles. Vapor from a heating coil does not.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
5150 there has I noticed been a disturbing trend in your posts lately of presenting sceintific facts that potray vaping as an effective harm reduction alternative to smoking....I think science has no place in this debate let us stick to smears,lies,hearsay,and fear mongering...thank you .

no childeren were harmed in the wirting of this post.

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