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New to building here and I need some help.


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Hello everyone

I've been vaping for 2 months now using sub ohm tanks..last week I started learning how to use rda's and rdta's so I really need some help with a couple of questions and btw, I know very little about ohms, wires and how this effects vaping.

1-I'm using the limitless rdta plus with a wismec reuleaux dna200....since I got the limitless i've been using a single already made alien clapton coil (5 wraps) this a good coil for flavor and clouds? because the flavor I'm getting from this is less than what I used to get using sub ohm tanks. and what are the differences between the alien,tiger,hive,fused and the regular clapton in terms of flavor and clouds?and should I stick to these fancy coils I buy ready made or should I use the normal kanthal a1?

2-Lets say I want to start using 24 gauge kanthal wire I got with my Coil master kit and build it on my limitless rdta plus....there are different sizes of coil jigs infront of me like 3mm and 2.5mm....which one should I go with? and how many wraps should I do? and whatever the answer is, does it apply if I'm using dual coils or a single coil? I'm in a mess and I can't wrap my head around this lol.

I apologise for all of these questions but I'm lost here...I would really appreciate your help
Thank you
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Hey man! Wow your head must be scrambled ok ohms law is good to learn, it's very simple and google will explain all or VU will. Have a search and read up. Using a regulated mod like the DNA you don't need to worry much about the law as it does it all for you. Hence the word regulated think this way, the higher the ohm the more power needed to heat up. Which takes you to the Clapton. Good coil, but a lot going on there. So much wire, great for holding juice and using it quickly but take along time to heat up due to more wire meaning a higher ohm.

Your sub ohm coils your used to will ramp up quicker so no doubt your getting more flavour because of how fast and quick you draw on your tank.

I refuse to use claptons as I like flavour. They fantastic for cloud chasers.

I believe when it comes to alien, give, tiger wire etc it's all about the quality of metal used and how the wire is made.

Kanthan a1, stainless steel, nichrome n80 can be just as good I believe but that's my opinion.

Now your kit, 3mm is a good all round size for diameter, a nice wick can give you some nice flavour and cloud, whatever your thing is. I use 22g stainless steel flatwire, 4mm jig, 6 wraps parallel coil coming out around 0.15-6 ohms depending on leg length and it's phenomenal. 24g kanthan you could do a simple twist with a drill and make a stunning coil that will give you plenty of flavour also.

Always remember that a parallel coil will read half the ohms of a single coil. So if the single I 1.0ohm, a parallel is 0.5 is a good site to put calculations into. It tells you exactly have many wraps needed, leg length to reach the desired ohm you want. Then just copy and build

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Thanx bro this really last question if I may:

usually when I'm using a sub ohm coil like 0.4 ohms, I vape at between 40 to 60 watts. If I was vaping a higher ohm coil like 1.3 for example, is there a recommended watt to vape on? and why does it have to be different?


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It all depends on what u enjoy mate. Everyone is different. Yes you need higher wattage as it's higher ohms so to heat it faster to get that sweet spot u increase your output. I.e wattage. There is no recommended when building your own, it's all trial and error. User preference, liquid used, some liquids taste different at certain temps than others. Just enjoy it man. Don't fret. I build between 0.10 and 0.15 normally, .21 on my mech due to battery safety. I can vape on 0.15 ohm at 240w, but a friend of mine can't saying it's too hot for him, tastes different so it's all about the user man. :) pm me if u get stuck or more questions or I'm sure other people will help you out :)

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Thanx bro this really last question if I may:

usually when I'm using a sub ohm coil like 0.4 ohms, I vape at between 40 to 60 watts. If I was vaping a higher ohm coil like 1.3 for example, is there a recommended watt to vape on? and why does it have to be different?
Depends on the build used to reach 1.3 ohms.... if say the coil was 28 awg kanthal maybe around 15watts... if say you built a coil with the same surface area and mass of you .4 coil if not bigger... maybe the same 40-60 watts if not much more.

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Keep cool man, it takes a lot of research to "wrap" your head around all of it. I've only been vaping "constant" since October and i'm already into building some nice clapton coils (did my first Staged Clapton last weekend). Again, research is key. YouTube has A LOT of shit out there if you invest the time and effort into researching it. That's how I started learning.

It also sounds like you did what I have done. Started buying shit and had no clue WTF I was doing. :bliss:

My advise for you, is what I ended up having to do. Don't try to get to advanced to fast. Get the very basics done first. Build your first Kanthal single coil at 0.5 ohm and vape it for a bit. Work your way up, don't :headbang: trying what your not ready for.

Steam-Engine Coil Calculator :
Also look at all the other tool on this site. They are AWESOME and help greatly.

Hit up YouTube --- GrimmGreen, RipTrippers (he's a bit crazy for me, but has good information on coil building), VapnFagan are the first off my head to watch. There are MANY others out there with very, very good information and teaching videos.

VapingUnderground <<< HERE MAN --- This place has a TON of awesome people that help out and answer questions. Read, read, read --- there is already a ton of stuff on this site that can answer all your questions. The search bar is awesome.


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basically.. the more fancy and twisty the coil, the better the flavor. The more surface area and wattage you can get = clouds. Single wire is great for clouds, clapton... not so great but better flavor. Claptons you have to heat the wire wrapping,
You can make a really simple, easy single core clapton with 24ga kanthal or nichrome (or whatever ga you want to use) and some 30 or 32ga stainless steel. I wouldn't go higher than 32ga to start with, that is getting pretty thin and the thinner the wire, the harder it is to wrap with.
A power drill and fishing line leaders (the little safety pin looking things the hooks attach to that swivel) and use 3 or 4 pinned together.
Watch youtube.
Worst case, send me a pm and I'll make a short vid for ya.
Rule of thumb, the id core bigger is better, depending on how much deck space you have. I did a 6.35mm core coil for my temple rda and OH MY GOD! *lol yes, 6.35 is a massive coil!* (you can fit a pencil through it. lol)
Best advice.. keep it simple to start.
Kidneypuncher has nice spools of wire. I buy mine on 100 to 250 ft spools. Mainly because 250ft is only about twice as much as 30ft.

Wires... Hmm 3 things..
Stainless steel.. great for flavor, low resistance.
NiChrome... Good flavor, higher resistance than SS but lower than Kanthal.
Kanthal.. CHEAP.... good for beginners. Fairly decent flavor, slightly higher resistance than NiChrome (less wraps per ohm but also heats a little faster than the NiChrome)
Most important.. have fun with it. Build safe, vape safe, and don't cheap out on batteries. Even a regulated mod can go boom if the protection circuit fails or 510 pin breaks and shorts. Its rare, but has happened.


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Just a heads up, there is a really nice vape calculator on the Google play store for your Android device. Not sure if it's on the Apple store but I can't see why it wouldn't be. You can put all your info in there and it will come up with how many wraps you need for whatever ohm's you want.

Nice little tool, I use it all the time.


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Thanx bro this really last question if I may:

usually when I'm using a sub ohm coil like 0.4 ohms, I vape at between 40 to 60 watts. If I was vaping a higher ohm coil like 1.3 for example, is there a recommended watt to vape on? and why does it have to be different?
There are actually 2 answers here, depending on your build.
1 higher resistance wire requires less power to fire, so lower watts. HOWEVER..
2 Coils can also be higher resistance due to mass. For example, an 8 wrap coil is higher resistance and mass than a 6 wrap coil made with the exact same wire.
3 coils with high mass can be made lower resistance by using parallel coil builds. Something you rarely need unless you are going for massive clouds OR looking for more flavor. IE A 2 wire clapton coil produces more flavor than a 1 wire clapton, due to more juice being trapped in the wires.

Remember, when building fused claptons (2 or more core wires) the resistance is lower. Dual coils make it lower again. Therefore, I recommend 26ga or higher core wire. 24g in a parallel, dual coil build will be to low resistance. I am using dual coil fused claptons 4 wraps on a 3.5id core, and the resistance is 0.13 ohm. Using a regulated mod.

So for better flavor, teach yourself to build 2 core claptons. More cores = better flavor (more space to trap juice) but are more of a pain in the backside to make. And also, lower your resistance.

I use a drill and board mounted to the side of my desk, with fishing line swivels mounted to it. I cut and straighten my wire, fold it in half. The middle part goes in the swivel, the loose ends go into the drill chuck. It helps keep your core from twisting as you clapton the coil.

I use this site to calculate coils.

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