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New to forum and vaping

Hey guys, just bought my first mod and rda yesterday. My buddy has a gf who got all of us into vaping so I figured it's time to buy one and learn all this stuff myself haha. It works out too so maybe il stop smoking so much hookah. I got the Cartel V1 clone and the mutation x v4 rda clone yesterday, just waiting on delivery now. If anyone has any good coil ideas and e juices for a noob that'd be great ha! So far the best coil build for clouds that looked pretty simple for me was a dual 24g. Any info would be awesome thanks!

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Hi Tbone, Love the user name, makes me chuckle, Welcome to VU, Nice to meet you:):)


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Welcome to the forum!

And I wish you well, I truly do.

But IMHO, suggesting that a newly hatched vaper go directly to a mech and an RDA is not a good idea. Not even close.

Especially when in your shopping list I noticed that you did not have an Ohm reader listed.

And what kind of battery do you intend to use?

Mini Rant over.

And I still wish you well:D


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enjoy your time here.
Welcome to the forum!

And I wish you well, I truly do.

But IMHO, suggesting that a newly hatched vaper go directly to a mech and an RDA is not a good idea. Not even close.

Especially when in your shopping list I noticed that you did not have an Ohm reader listed.

And what kind of battery do you intend to use?

Mini Rant over.

And I still wish you well:D

Yes I have been reading up a lot before I start getting into the hobby. What I failed to mention is I'll be getting my first builds from a local shop in my area that my friends go to. I know how this hobby can be dangerous to noobs who jump to deep into it. I won't be starting my own builds till I have the right tools and knowledge that I hope to get from this forum. And as for a battery I plan to spare no expense since I've been reading up on how important they are. I'm gonna start off smart and use a shop till I know what I'm completely doing hope I can learn a lot here! Seems like the vaping community is pretty friendly and helpful just from some posts I've been reading.

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