Hey all, Just put down the cigs about a month ago and started vaping. My son has vaped for a few years now and I used to make fun of him as I thought it was just a millennial hipster thing. I was using the Kangertech EVOD style pens but wasn't cutting it for a full on dive in. I didn't realize that a bigger mod would make a difference but it does! I bought a Vaporesso Tarot Nano instead and am loving it running it in TC mode. The only thing I'm having an issue with is the size of the tank. The tank is a 2ml and I think I would really like a 4ml. The Nano has the Veco tank that is 22mm wide and the 4ml Veco is 24+mm wide. The Vaporesso Estoc tank comes in a 2/4ml with the use of a chimney extension and is my desired 22mm width. From what I have read the Veco tank has better flavor than the Estoc tank and would like to stay with the Veco because of that and also it is top airflow and top fill. I also want to stay with the Vaporesso EUC coils less different parts to buy. Most of my purchasing is done online, no decent vape shops right around me definitely non that carry Vaporesso. My question is has anyone tried the Estoc chimney extender on the Veco 2ml tank? Any information or help is appreciated!