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Hello everyone, I'm Dan. I have been vaping seriously for about a year. I started smoking in high school, and decided to make the switch to vape once I started smoking a pack+ a day. I love it! The community is great, it tastes awesome, is fun, and makes you feel 100 times better than cigs!

I own a couple mech mods: Tobeco Colonial and Tobeco Changeling. My main however is a IPV Mini 70. RDA of choice is the Royal Hunter.

I'm currently in a vocational program to become a EMT, and eventually a Paramedic. I have a passion for EMS, and starting to get into Fire/Rescue as well. I play bass guitar, and mainly listen to hardcore/punk. Finally, I am a knife nut, so don't be surprised if I post a thread about blades in the unrelated sections!

Looking forward to this thread! Vape on


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Welcome Dan!!

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Welcome to the VU!! Enjoy the place!

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