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My nephew talked me into vaping instead of smoking. He took me to a shop and I bought a Cubiod 150w mod and a Crown II tank. I have been using it for 3 weeks now and I have a few questions. First, the biggest problem I have is the top of my tank, where you suck out of, gets so hot! I have my mod set at 30 watts. I have found that if I go higher I can't handle it and going lower means I have to suck harder and longer to enjoy the vape which also leads to the tip being way to hot. Understand please that it's not the vapor that is to hot but the mouth piece. ANY suggestions on how I can lower the temp when I vape would be so appreciated! My second question relates to e-juice. I am using a 30% vg at 6 mg. I really enjoy vaping and the taste with the mix I use now but I don't find it reducing my urge to smoke. I am a heavy smoker and have been for 30 years. Do I need to raise my nicotine level? The salesman told me 12 mgs would be to much for me. Does the level of nicotine change the flavor much? My next question is about e-juice also. Does it really matter what brand or where you buy them at? I have noticed a BIG difference in prices. My favorite flavor so far is a hot cinnamon, wintergreen, and menthol smooth mix. I can vape this flavor all day where the fruity and dessert flavors don't really do it for me. So if a 30 ml bottle of wintergreen is $5 at one store and $20 at another, Does it really matter if I go the cheap road? I am not talking about brand name juices just the companies own basic flavor. I have alot of other questions but I think this is enough for now lol!
So here are my basic questions:
1. How do I reduce the heat of the metal part that touches my lips?
2. How does the nicotine level affect the vaping experience?
3. For basic flavors, does it matter where you buy it from? What do I need to look for when I pick a place to buy e-juice?
4. Is there a Vaping for Dummies type book?
Thank you so much for taking time to help me!

Teresa P

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Those metal tips get hot sometimes! I hate them, but I do have a wide assortment made from plastics to POM to delrin, all of which are much cooler. If your shop doesn't have them, order online.
I don't know where they get off judging what nic level you need or don't need, we're all different. I personally started with a 30mg...:eek:....and I know a few members here started even higher as we were heavy smokers and it took a bit more "oomph" from our juices to keep us from smoking. Go a little higher if you like, at least until you get to a comfortable level that satisfies your cravings. You can always work your way down. I'm at a 3mg now, which is a big drop from the 30mg I started with.
Avoid "gas station juice." Avoid anything imported from China. There are several reputable labels at your shop, I'm sure, and some very tasty juices can be purchased online. Lots of beginners order from Mt. Baker Vapor and Vista Vapor (the latter of which offers a free bottle for the cost of shipping).
And believe it or not, you can type "vaping for dummies" in your Google search bar and get a ton of beginner guides! Lol! But you're also in a good place here on this forum, it is a wellspring of information for vapers of all experience levels. ;)


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1. How do I reduce the heat of the metal part that touches my lips?
2. How does the nicotine level affect the vaping experience?
3. For basic flavors, does it matter where you buy it from? What do I need to look for when I pick a place to buy e-juice?
4. Is there a Vaping for Dummies type book?
1. What Teresa said. Get a different drip tip, one that's not metal. I like POM and Delrin. BTW, can you tell us the resistance (ohms) of the coil you're currently using? Higher resistance coils will produce a cooler vape, and will allow you to reduce the wattage you're using.
2. I started on 18mg, but the tank was a weak one and bumped up to 24mg for a short time. You can get juiced tailored to a nic level to suit your needs. Most online juice makers will offer you a selection of nic choices. Maybe 9mg or 12mg would better suit you.
3. You can get juice where you and your pocket prefer. For basic mint flavors, it would be easier to find a broader range, some better priced than others. I'd go by well known places mentioned in the forum, which might take a minute to become familiar with. We have an ejuice discussions section. You could even start a thread there for minty flavors for others to offer up suggestions.
4. LOL no book, but the forum is right at your fingertips! Anything you can't find an answer to specifically, start your own thread, and people that have the answers are more than willing to help.

Welcome to the forum. Glad to have you and good luck!


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Depending on the coil and the make of coil you might be rocking that cuboid (good mod) a but to much for the tank.
WTNA withdraw is going to be a BEAR for a while.
I've ordered from vistavapor, mt.vaper, and vistacube? I did a search for the best ones and that's why I started with these. I went a bit overboard buying about 20 bottles lol! I am going to get a different tip. Has anyone used a wood one? It was suggested to me. I just got the new Crown II coils which are bullet shaped. I got the .8 in hopes of cooling it down some. Thanks for all of the advice!!!!

Teresa P

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I've ordered from vistavapor, mt.vaper, and vistacube? I did a search for the best ones and that's why I started with these. I went a bit overboard buying about 20 bottles lol! I am going to get a different tip. Has anyone used a wood one? It was suggested to me. I just got the new Crown II coils which are bullet shaped. I got the .8 in hopes of cooling it down some. Thanks for all of the advice!!!!
Be good to yourself, you deserve it! You're not smoking..... :blowkiss:


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Be careful not to go too high on your nic level with a sub ohm coil/tank. If your going to use a .8 ohm or lower coil in your Crown, might want to keep the nic level to 6 or 3mg. Much more enjoyable vape when your not blowing out your lungs on too much nicotine. Finding a flavor you like is one of the hardest things about this endeavor. Takes time, trial and error, but if your not smoking, it's worth it. Good luck, and welcome to VU.
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I have another question, will e-juice go bad if it is in a tank to long? I have 2 mods and tanks. I have my main one, the Cuboid with the Crown II tank for my main flavor and I have a Kanger Tech Topbox mini set for other flavors like fruit and others. I felt that the coil in my main one would hold the taste of the fruits and I didn't want to mess with my main flavor. Anyway, I find that I don't use the fruity set up much so I wondered how long is an e-juice going to be ok in a tank? I hope this makes sense lol! Thanks

Teresa P

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It should be okay, just make sure your air flow is closed to prevent leaking. I have inadvertently forgotten about juice in a tank for long periods and have it taste a little off when I went back to it, but it wasn't bad. ;)


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My nephew talked me into vaping instead of smoking. He took me to a shop and I bought a Cubiod 150w mod and a Crown II tank. I have been using it for 3 weeks now and I have a few questions. First, the biggest problem I have is the top of my tank, where you suck out of, gets so hot! I have my mod set at 30 watts. I have found that if I go higher I can't handle it and going lower means I have to suck harder and longer to enjoy the vape which also leads to the tip being way to hot. Understand please that it's not the vapor that is to hot but the mouth piece. ANY suggestions on how I can lower the temp when I vape would be so appreciated! My second question relates to e-juice. I am using a 30% vg at 6 mg. I really enjoy vaping and the taste with the mix I use now but I don't find it reducing my urge to smoke. I am a heavy smoker and have been for 30 years. Do I need to raise my nicotine level? The salesman told me 12 mgs would be to much for me. Does the level of nicotine change the flavor much? My next question is about e-juice also. Does it really matter what brand or where you buy them at? I have noticed a BIG difference in prices. My favorite flavor so far is a hot cinnamon, wintergreen, and menthol smooth mix. I can vape this flavor all day where the fruity and dessert flavors don't really do it for me. So if a 30 ml bottle of wintergreen is $5 at one store and $20 at another, Does it really matter if I go the cheap road? I am not talking about brand name juices just the companies own basic flavor. I have alot of other questions but I think this is enough for now lol!
So here are my basic questions:
1. How do I reduce the heat of the metal part that touches my lips?
2. How does the nicotine level affect the vaping experience?
3. For basic flavors, does it matter where you buy it from? What do I need to look for when I pick a place to buy e-juice?
4. Is there a Vaping for Dummies type book?
Thank you so much for taking time to help me!

Hey there Teresa! These are all great questions for a beginner vaper, so even though it's been a long time since you asked, I wanted to get some of this information out there for anyone that stops by and sees your post! First of all, I hope you got your questions answered, but if not, I'll answer them in the order you asked them below.

1. One way to reduce the heat would be to use a different Drip Tip, which is the metal part of the tank that touches your lips. There are a couple of materials used in non-proprietary drip tips that conduct less heat than metal like Delrin and resin. You can find drip tips at many online stores that are made of Delrin or Resin, and both of those would help to reduce the burning on your lips.
2. The nicotine level you choose for your vape juice depends on the type of the device as well as the preference of the vaper. In your case, you're using a sub-ohm tank, which produces a larger volume of vapor than smaller devices. A higher nicotine strength in your tank would increase the "throat-hit" substantially, which is why I think the salesman recommended 6mg. If you were to increase your nicotine level, it would likely become unpleasant, and would probably not reduce your urge to smoke any less. However, if you were to switch to a smaller device with a tighter draw, more similar to a cigarette, you might find that reduces your urge more effectively! Sometimes, the best way to reduce your urge to smoke is to only vape when you have the urge. That way, you're retraining your brain to crave only the nicotine, which you can control with your vape, rather than all of the other chemicals in a cigarette. Once you've gotten over the cigarette cravings, you can begin to reduce your nicotine strength down to 0, and then you can set down the vape as well! :)
3. Basic flavors are abundant and available at tons of online and brick-and-mortar locations. However, since you're looking to continue on a quitting-smoking journey, you're probably also looking to save some money. I would recommend going to online stores, where there is a lower cost, and picking up smaller bottles of a handful of flavors that interest you. That way, you can find the perfect flavor to help you drop the cigarettes for good, while reducing the overall cost of getting into vaping! If you have any interest, we have around 100 regular flavors at our website at very low prices. I encourage you to check some of them out! You can click here to go to the page.
4. There may not be a Vaping for Dummies book out there, but we actually wrote a really comprehensive Guide to Vaping for Beginners that many of our new-to-vaping customers have found to be very helpful! Here's a link to that page

If you ever have any questions, even if they have nothing to do with our products, we are always happy to help! Reach out to us at support@vistavapors dot com and we'll be sure to assist you right away! Hope you're having a wonderful day! VAPE ON!
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