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New Type: LTQ Vapor Nectar Collector £5.99


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Hello everyone, what I want to introduce to you today is a nectar collector, ltq vapor nectar collector, it is not difficult to see from its appearance that it includes a quartz tube heating rod, a main chamber with a percolator and a mouthpiece for easy inhalation. The overall material is PC, ABS, POM and borosilicate glass, safe and practical.

The mouthpiece is detachable so you can easily fill through the top, you need to be careful not to overfill the fixed water line or it will cause the unit to malfunction. You can collect wax through the quartz tube heating rod at the bottom, and the spray gun heating rod can fully volatilize the substance, bringing you the ideal clouds and taste.

Nectar Collector is relatively small overall, so there is no burden to put it in your pocket. Perhaps such a new gadget is worth trying. Do you know where can buy best vapes, I think you should be able to find out.

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