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New Vaper from Central FL


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Alrighty, well, fair warning. I totally suck at intro posts.

I'm 23 years old, and I smoked analog on and off for about 10-12 years. I was a pack a day for 3-5 years, using it to keep myself from constantly exploding at everyone (I have just a *few* anger issues). After having my doppleganger let me try vaping off his set up (the eleaf iStick 50, and IDK what tank) I decided to give vaping a shot. I walked into my local vape shop and got set up with the KangerTech Evod starter kit. Immediately, I loved it. I set down my analogs and had no desire to pick them back up.

Well, I went on vacation to Alaska for my wedding (August 14th of this year) and while my dear husband and I were shopping in Walmart for a few last minute supplies, some moron stole my overnight bag out of our backseat. It had one of my eVods, the charge and 2 bottles of my juice. (As well as some electronics which were later recovered. No sign of the bag itself though).

I was incredibly upset about having to make the switch back to analog for the rest off my two and a half week vacation in Juneau. But c'est la vie. It would have to do until I could return home and get a new set-up.

Upon returning home, went back to my shop and re-upped on my juices. I told the clerk what had happened (he was the same gentleman who helped set me up in the first place) and it turned out we were kindred spirits. His set-up and been jacked right from the shop by a couple of trouble makers who weren't 18. I asked him for his recommendations and after a little bit of conversation and empathy, walked out with a brand new set-up of the eLeaf iStick 50 and the wonderful SubTank Mini.

I've been using this device for 2 and a half days now and absolutely love it. I no longer feel the need to puff away on any analog, and I already feel better. Even my friends are happier about my switch from smoking to vaping and my family (including my husband) couldn't be more proud.


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Welcome to the VU, good to have you here.
Even better... Good to hear you no longer need the stinkies!


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Welcome to the vaping world.


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I was incredibly upset about having to make the switch back to analog for the rest off my two and a half week vacation in Juneau. But c'est la vie. It would have to do until I could return home and get a new set-up.

Yeah, my first tank broke during a holiday weekend. It totally sucked! All the local vape shops were closed and I knew the Logic e-cig I had wasn't powerful enough to get through the next two days. I had to crack and go back to analogs for a few days. I truly hated the feeling of "breaking my non-smoking streak".

Now I have an extra tank, "just in case" something breaks. I might even get a second battery.


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Thanks to all for the welcomes!

VapeDog - Omg. I can only imagine how awful that must have been. I think I'm going to have to make an emergency vape kit with some spare juice, coils, and the extra glass they included with the subtank mini. Now to figure out what to put it in.....


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Welcome to VU and congratulations with getting married! Hopefully your luck gets better! Enjoy your stay :)


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Oh my wife and I just celebrated our year anniversary on the 9th :)


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Welcome to VU. You have an awesum starter set up. If your anything like the rest of us it won't be long before you have lotsa extra devices. :D


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Out of the protank and mini protank the mini is the better choice BUT they are already old school. lol. E cig stuff evolves soooo fast. You might want to look into some of the newer tanks designed for clouds. Something with lower ohm coils. I'm not to much into tanks nowadays. I'm more a dripper typa guy. ;)

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