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Newbie from Turkey


Member For 4 Years
Hello everyone, I started vaping back in 2013 with the provari mini took a break for a year and got back to it this past December. Just wanted to introduce myself and get a feel for the community !!!!

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ECF Refugee
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Welcome to the VU
Good to have you here.


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Welcome! You live in a beautiful country with wonderful people, except of course Erdogan... Is your govt pro or anti vaping? I'm hoping to go back in the fall and was wondering what the state of vaping is over there.


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Ha! I read about that and its just terrible. Any country that prosecutes journalist, academics, artist or activist is practicing the worst type of authoritarianism. I'm not Turkish but have family who moved there years ago. One of my cousins is is part of a movement to unite the kurdish minority and the Turks. One of their rallies was bombed by ISIS (nudge nudge wink wink) and my cousin was seriously injured. While she was in the hospital, plain clothed Erdogan secret police thugs literally dragged her out of her hospital bed, ripping the IV from her arm and shuttled her off to a dungeon somewhere. She was held incognito for an entire month and then was dumped on the side of the road in her hospital gown a good 100 miles from her home. My father worked for a foreign embassy for a number of years and has quite a few friends in the state dept. A few days before she was released, he went to Turkey and lodged a complaint with the US consult and shortly after she was released. When she finally made it home, she didn't stop, in fact she's back at it and more defiant as ever. I really pray everyday for the people of turkey on both sides; Kurds and Turks.

Jeez, that was quite the derailment. Sorry to the OP :(


Member For 4 Years
I am from Turkey to. But please... This is not a politic forum. Keep vaping.

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