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Newbie - IPV D2 set up recommendations please


Member For 4 Years
Well hello,

Noob here. A buddy recommended these to me.

LG HE4 battery
KANGER Mini subtank

I'm not very familiar with the significance of coil resistance. Everything just seems so overwhelming and not as simple as buying the above items and start vaping.

Would appreciate any guidance!


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That's a good set up. I'd recommend that or similar to start with.
I'm a fan of the D2. I like the eVic VTC Mini a little better. It's about the same price (possibly cheaper) and updateable.

Buy the above or the above with the VTC. Buy an assortment of coils to see what you like. You might like high ohms, low ohms or temperature control of one type or another.


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Lower ohm = faster vapor production. Try the 1.2 on the subtank and work your way lower if you feel it's not good enough on flavor. The 1.2 is actually pretty decent I have to say but it's subjective.


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lets see
the D2 is awesome I have one
but they just released or are abut to release teh D3 for teh same money and its a little nicer
the evic vtc has some minor advantages over the d2 and d3
theres also the treebox mini in the same price range

The LG he4 battery is ok
the sony 25r is a little better
the LG HG2 is even better more battery life then the other 2

The kanger subtank is a good place to start
most people who subohm start there

theres 4 coil choices
the ni200 coil at .15 which is for temperature control only so good to get one or 2 to try that out
the tank usually comes with a .5 and a 1.2
start with the 1.2
if its not enough switch to .5
if its too much pick up a 1.5


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well hello,

Noob here. A buddy recommended these to me.

LG HE4 battery
KANGER Mini subtank

I'm not very familiar with the significance of coil resistance. Everything just seems so overwhelming and not as simple as buying the above items and start vaping.

Would appreciate any guidance!
That's a great setup - I use it all the time!


Member For 4 Years
Thanks for the responses guys. Now, is there any reason you guys would recommend against the ipv d2? Or recommend something else over that with a different mod in the same price range?


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I don't have any reason to recommend against D2.
I recommend for VTC instead because it seems to be a little better quality and it can be updated. With those updates they've already added Stainless Steel and boosted it to 75w. The bad thing is Ti seems to be under rated compared to the P4U's.

I love my D2's, they fit and work perfectly with my TFV4's.
You won't go wrong getting either one. They'll both get you into it rather cheaply and let you try everything to know what you like. You'll want to get something else pretty quick anyway so you'll have a back up.

Here's something I'd recommend against the D2 as an only mod. That means you'll probably be changing out batteries often. That can wear the contact.
I only charge mine in mod to avoid that. But I have a lot of mods to switch to.
If your plan is to swap batteries I'd definitely go with the VTC.

However, here's a D2 for $35 (may be black friday only)


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thast a can of worms
some feel the evic vtc is the same basic idea of a device with better execution and it also can TC Stainless steel

then theres the smok treebox lite
whic is fairly new
and also can do TC with SS and seems to be a great device

plus with all the holdiay sales
you can get quality 2 battery mods that can go higher in watts and may or may not have TC SS for about the same price. hell i got the koopor plus 200w TC mod today for only 35 shipped

theres also the fact the d3 which is the replacement for the d2 has been released

the KNOWN complaints baout the d2 are
1. no step down meaning you cant fire this thing at say 8 watts. you need to switch to TC mode to trick teh device into doing that - this is not an issue on other mods and was addressed with the d3
2. no usb port so you cant upgrade the device sam eon the d3 as well
3. the onboard charging is done with a 3.5mm barrel cable instead of a usb cord same on the d3

The D2 is an awesome mod, but for 40 or 50 slightly better mods can now be had including the d3

if someone is blowing them out for under $30 Id say go for it to save some cash, but at this point
i would at least start at the d3, evic vtc,treebox mini,xcube mini, koopor mini instead of a d2
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Did a few forum searches and it seems like the evic might be slightly better. Can you guys tell me what other mods would be in the same class/tier as the D2 & evic VTC. What would be a step up from these mods?

Also, what kind of questions should I be asking to determine the mod I should own?

However, here's a D2 for $35 (may be black friday only)
Thanks for posting that! I was about to jump on that until I saw another item worth considering. =]


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What would be a step up from these mods?

A 2 battery TC mod. Not sure which ones win what (I only have a IVP4). More watts, longer run time.
More watts allows you to experiment with more variety.
More run time is especially important when you only have one.
The good news/bad news is you may have to charge out of the mod and need 2 sets of batteries plus a charger. Bad news because it all adds up to more money. Good news is you swap your batteries and keep on vaping.

Other than that I don't know. I try to avoid keeping up on what's the latest and greatest, it gets expensive :)


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Member For 4 Years
I have the D2 and use it all the time, but the VTC mini has since come out, and because it's upgradeable I think that's now a better buy.


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OK what makes one mod better?
good question
heres a break down

you can have more watts
the most powerful devices are 200w, but there are odd balls that go higher
The most powerful single battery device I know of is 80 watts and thats the d3
most single battery mods are between 40 and 70 watts

most dual battery mods can go from 100-200w

how many watts do you need?
well how many are you using now?
Thats about all you need

But if you try new stuff in the future you may need more
So its always good to have some extra room for watts

I never vaped above 20 w until I tried a maganus and a crown tank. now I vape in the 50-60 range on them.

If you get a device at least 60 watts you can do alot in terms of coils and tanks.
but if you have at least 100w - theres not many types of coil builds out there you wouldnt be able to use.

DO you need 1 or 2 batteries?

even if you only vape at 30w
a 2 battery device will last you much longer without having to change the batteries. SO you may not need to carry extra batteries with you.

SO thats is a consideration regardless of how many watts you feel you need

the next consideration is TC (temperature control)
DO you need it??- WHO CARES??
most devices have it standard now so no reason not to get it - it doesnt really cost more

The main consideration is if you are into TC most devices do Nickel coils for TC
Most can do Titanium
and a very few can do Stainless Steel
SO if you are one of those like me who has to have it all - pick a device that can do Stainless steel TC

Another thing to consider is pass through ability
Can you plug the device in to charge the batteries and still use it

Most do not recommend using the mod as y our only charger. There have been issue son some devices do this. its best to only use on board pass through charging WHEN NEEDED. Others feel its fine to always charge your batteries in the mod. WHO IS RIGHT? Both. Theres no reason not to charge your batteries in you mod if the mod is built properly. But be aware that even on the best device, On board charging can fail in a small % of cases and blow up the mod, so never charge it unattended.

Can the device be upgraded? This is relatively new.
The evic vtc has won much acclaim because they made it be upgradable and they made several upgrades that made this device much much much better
other devices with this feature have had little to no updates done for them. The IPV 3LI had a few upgrades released for it which made it better, but us 3LI owners are still holding our breaths to see if they release on emor eupdate to let us do SS TC. So its a nice feature to have just in case the manufacturer releases an improvement or bug fix. For some this is a deal breaker for others its not. The D2 and D3 are not upgradable, but I and many others use ours everyday

How durable and well built is the device?

That you can only judge from your own use or from someone who owns one opinion. Most brand names that you find reviewed and talked about here make a fairly solid device

Those are the main consideration sin what makes one device better then another.

So which ones are best?
everyone has an opinion

IN terms of single battery mods here is a list of some of the most popular NEWEST ones atm:
smok treebox mini
koopor mini
Sigelei 75
sigelei 75tc
Evic VTC
xcube mini
snowwolf 75
kanger subbox

All of these have pros and cons
If I were to buy a replacement for my d2 right now
I would get the Treebox
because it has all the TC features
goes to 75W
and looks awesome
it has no passthrough or upgrade option. but I dont care about that since it already has everything and I hav elots of 18650 batteries

Next I would get the Xcube mini
It has more cool factor and can be controlled by your smart phone
it also has verything but Im not big on using a smart phone

After that I would get the evic vtc
Its a great device but is just fugly imho

On to 2 battery mods they most popular newer ones are
ipv 4s
ipv 3li
Sigelei 150tc
x cube 2
koopor plus
istick 100
sigelei fuchai

and im sure im forgetting some

I own and love the 3li
many love the sig150tc
both are great
3li has passthorugh and upgradability

if i were to replace my 3li
I just ordered the koopor plus because at 35 its a steal. It probably isnt going to be as durable as the sig150tc or my 3li, but it will be durable enough and has the one feature both the sig and 3li are missing which is SS TC

My next choice would be the Xcube 2 but then i need to get a use to using a smart phone so it could be upgraded to use SS TC but I got kids who can help.

other then that I woul dhave to go to the expensive mods that are $150 - $200
Which would be the dna200 or the sx m or ml class.

If y ou looking to spend that much money
find the threads here dedicated to those mods and do LOTS OF RESEASRCH


Member For 4 Years
^ A lot of excellent information. Thank you. 'Ppreciate the time you took for that!

As of right now, I'm pretty set on the evic VTC mini. Seems like the perfect newbie vape to start with, for me, for now. Though, I am unsure of what type of tank I should get. I was recommended a Morph tank. From my general understanding, this is a very versatile tank which would be good if I were to build in the future. I'm open to that idea as it will enable me to learn more and also for economic reasons. But I am still in the process of researching on that item.

Does anyone have any experience with that tank?
I think it is worth mentioning that I only want to use titanium coils.

I used my buddies IPV D2 over the weekend and wow! It was amazing. So easy to mess around with temps & watts to find your preference. I like how it felt small in my hand. Just the right fit. I also enjoyed how tactile the fire button was. I forget what tank he had on there, but it was great and I'm even more excited to by my own set. =)


So I think I will be purchasing from FT and my buddy said when I shop make sure the product titles says "authentic" since they sell clones. So as I'm browsing the website, I find the page for the VTC mini and I see this under the "please note" section...
  • The security code sticker that is used to identify if the product is authentic from Joyetech was removed by FastTech in purpose.
Seems fishy. Something to worry about? Why would they do that? I do like that price. Comparing that to US companies, it is cheaper by around 8-25 dollars.

Did some more reading, dont think the morph tank is the way to go if I were to build.
Last edited:


VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
^ A lot of excellent information. Thank you. 'Ppreciate the time you took for that!

As of right now, I'm pretty set on the evic VTC mini. Seems like the perfect newbie vape to start with, for me, for now. Though, I am unsure of what type of tank I should get. I was recommended a Morph tank. From my general understanding, this is a very versatile tank which would be good if I were to build in the future. I'm open to that idea as it will enable me to learn more and also for economic reasons. But I am still in the process of researching on that item.

Does anyone have any experience with that tank?
I think it is worth mentioning that I only want to use titanium coils.

I used my buddies IPV D2 over the weekend and wow! It was amazing. So easy to mess around with temps & watts to find your preference. I like how it felt small in my hand. Just the right fit. I also enjoyed how tactile the fire button was. I forget what tank he had on there, but it was great and I'm even more excited to by my own set. =)


So I think I will be purchasing from FT and my buddy said when I shop make sure the product titles says "authentic" since they sell clones. So as I'm browsing the website, I find the page for the VTC mini and I see this under the "please note" section...
  • The security code sticker that is used to identify if the product is authentic from Joyetech was removed by FastTech in purpose.
Seems fishy. Something to worry about? Why would they do that? I do like that price. Comparing that to US companies, it is cheaper by around 8-25 dollars.

Did some more reading, dont think the morph tank is the way to go if I were to build.
Did you find out why they removed the sticker?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Member For 4 Years
Been vaping for a few weeks now guys. Would like to thank everyone on here who helped me with my decision. Got my VTC mini paired with a Cthulhu V2, Ti dual coil @ 0.23 Ohms. Vapes like a charm. Though I have to say, 420F & 30W in TC Ti mode hits no where near as good as 420F & 30W in TC Ni mode. A buddy of mine told me to try vaping my Ti in Ni mode and wow. World of a difference. Tried a few flavors from vapeshack808 and V3 and so far so good! But dang there are still so many to try!

Just got some 316L SS wire. Will try that when my RDA comes in. So stoked!

Thanks again!

Did you find out why they removed the sticker?
Upon receiving my mod from FT, the branding on the side seems either laser etched? or something... One side says Joyetech, the other side says eVic-VTC Mini. I'm not a product inspector, but the build quality and the feel of this device seems legit. Loving this thing right now!

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