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Nintendo's Official Kirby Website Is Hilariously Messed Up Right Now

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Nintendo's official Kirby website currently includes 6 news items – all of which are just excerpts from Franz Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis'. No one knows why.

Spotted on Reddit, it's not clear how long the bizarre issue – which appears to show that Nintendo is using an excerpt from Kafka's celebrated novella as placeholder text – has been taking place. At time of writing, it's visible on every story in the news section of the Kirby website.

In terms of why this might have happened, it's possible Nintendo is preparing the website for an update – some are pointing to the fact that the Kirby series will see its 30th birthday next year – and someone set it live a little early. Nintendo has yet to comment (and frankly, I hope they leave the website alone for a bit, because it's very funny).

If you haven't read it, 'The Metamorphosis' is a book about a traveling salesman who unexpectedly wakes up in the form of a giant beetle. Opnion has been divided among literary critics as to what the novella is truly trying to say for over 100 years at this point, but we can now put forth a new theory; Kafka was discussing the mind-body dilemma of Kirby after one of his many transformations. Probably the beetle one.

Joe Skrebels is IGN's Executive Editor of News. He once had his own Kafka-esque experience. Follow him on Twitter.

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