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Not new but reintroduced

3 weeks since I put down the Copenhagen and analogs for the second time. See I first started vaping when about the only place to get an ecig was the gas station. Right around 2010 or so. Didn't like it. My brother reintroduced me again around the end of 2011 first part or '12. I learned the very hard way that I'm allergic to PG. I got Pancratitis so bad it almost killed me. Literally. I spent 31 days in the hospital. Fast forward to 3 weeks ago I decided to give max VG or 100% VG a try. Hot damn! Success. Now I have 2 Sub Vod set ups, a Mod, 3 different tanks (all Kanger) wit the new Kanger Pro Tank 4 on its way. So anyway. Hello. Glad to be here. I'm sure I will have questions. I'm going to get into building my own coils and such.


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One note of caution - Make sure what you purchase is 100% VG, NOT high or max VG. Many flavorings are made with PG as a base, and are many times used in the high/max VG juices.
I have had luck with the "max VG" blends. Well, luck as in they haven't made me sick. I also credit the higher quality control standards the industry has self-imposed. One day they may find a flavor carrier better than PG that I wouldn't have an allergy to. Until then I just have to use the right equipment to coax out the best flavor. My SUBVOD mega TC with Kanger top tank mini and a .15ni atomizer is doing wonderful things. Better than my Laisimo S3 unfortunately

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Member For 5 Years
Hi Coldfinger and welcome to the V/U family lots of helpful and supportive folks here, enjoy the forum buddy
Thank you all for the welcome. Tried out kangers ceramic coil today. Nice flavor, nice cloud. Gets hot though

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Custom Hand Crafted Coils -
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One day they may find a flavor carrier better than PG that I wouldn't have an allergy to.
Some people have had favorable results using triacetin in place of PG. I have about 250ml of it, but haven't tried making anything with it yet. Maybe I'll try a little experiment, Make a double concentrate flavor base, then split into 2 parts and add equal amounts of triacetin to one, and PG to the other and see how they compare. One 50/50 TR/VG, the other 50/50 PG/VG.


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Welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay on the :vu:

Vape On and Vape Safe! :bingo:
Update. So. My body is again reacting to vaping. I have tried VG only and PG only blends. With and without flavor. I'm really disappointed. I just got my Kanger Pro Tank 4 last week and haven't even been able to really vape it much. There has to be a juice out there that won't cause me these issues.
Vaping both times I've tried has given me pancreatitis. Dr can't figure out why. He seems to think I may have an allergy to the USP nicotine??? I would vape zero but I do still need the nicotine. Ugh. I am so disappointed, I've got so much money invested in my equipment too.
Any advice would be wonderful

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What does the doctor say? If he thinks it has to do with the nicotine I would think he told you to stop vaping, or am I mistaken?

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