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Nursing Faculty Awarded Grant to Study e-cigs Effects in Pregnant Women


Under Ground Hustler
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"The U.S. has the largest and fastest growing market for e-cigs, and adult women of childbearing age are the most common users"

I thought overweight dudes with neckbeards were the most common users?
I thought it was kids who are being suckerd by big tobacco into vaping?
You can't have it both ways.

"Previous research shows the consumption of nicotine, the main ingredient in e-cigarettes, is related to adverse pregnancy outcomes."

BULLSHIT!!! Nicotine is the least of all ingredients in eliquid (0% to 3.6% MAX)

"a four-year, $2.3 million R01 grant from the National Institute on Drug Abuse"

Like I said in the past, vaping has a lot of grant money wrapped up in it.
That is a major reason for "public health" to spread lies and propaganda about it.
That way "Public health" can stay in business studying something besides smoking for the next 50 years - 5150

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