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Ode to Savage Sauce by Valhalla Vapes


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Inw Raspberry .25%
FA Peppermint 0.25%
FA ANise 0.75%
INW Bubblegum 1.5%
FA Raspberry 0.75%

One of the last juices I bought a good 18 months ago was Savage Sauce by Valhalla vapes. I recently found a clone of there Raid ejuice online which is a chocolate flavour similar to profiteroles. It tasted pretty close but a bit too creamy. But it reminded me of liking Savage Sauce simply because it was such a weird juice.

It was very popular at the time, I couldnt decide whether I loved it or hated it, but as I got through the bottle so quick it must have had something. Credit to Valhalla vapes too as it was such a different flavour to anything I had before. There was definately anise, raspberry and bubblegum in it so I made this based on that profile. Valhallas version was definately to my tastebuds as I remember none of the brands I have used or ever tried of these flavours so I am guessing they were Capella or TPA. Based on my results I think there was a sweeter raspberry or/and less anise and also added sweetener, but this is though different and not as good, a similar taste to the original which is well worth a try for anybody wishes to buy a juice that is totally different


Member For 4 Years
Thx for post Wiibo
Just mixed this but had to sub the bubble gum for TFA's version and also doubled up on everything, And you know what this is quite nice, I think i may need to up the bubble gum due to me thinking the TFA being weaker.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
The original recipe the bubblegum did seem to be on the exhale. It is a weird one isnt it, I think it needs s tiny amount of cream added to it or something and if I made it again I think id definately use different raspberries, needs sweeter raspberry I think the two I used are a bit too authentic and tart compared to the original. I dont mind this recipe but not a great one I think, thougth Id post it for people that liked savage sauce as a starting point to clone the original, think bar the cream its close but all different less authentic flavour brands would be better, can imagine all tpa/flavour west working well on this.


Member For 4 Years
think i'll have a go with some Valhalla vapes to give me some idea of what the vape is like


Member For 4 Years
Member For 3 Years
Member For 2 Years
Thanks for posting this Willbo. I get bored with strawberry this and cream that. This definitely looks unique and will have to give this one a try.


Member For 4 Years
Same here about being bored with various creams and fruits , So i ordered some Valhalla Vapes, The Fallen, Monks Brew and Savage Sauce,
Just my luck lately they forgot to put the Savage Sauce, But vaping the two i got, Different, i like.

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