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oh hi there


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hello party people. i'm a new vaper and am progressing fairly quickly and really enjoying it.

i just started vaping about 3 months ago and haven't had a cig in about 2 months. in my short 3 months, i started off with a basic clearomizer and ego twist battery, with some 12mg nic tobacco flavored juice. i didn't care for it much and still smoked at the time. i then stepped up to an eleaf istick30w and MELO sub-ohm tank. i also picked up a variety of juices and haven't had a cig since discovering decent flavor and vape quality. shortly after that i bumped up to an istick 50w and picked up my first RDA and tried my hand at building. i now have 2 RDA's and enjoy flavor and clouds.

i am really enjoying the build process and learning about the new methods, techniques and safety precautions (ohm's/watt's law).

on this forum i hope to learn more, while entertaining myself by delving into different topics and engaging with other vapers around the world.


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Welcome to VU, Glad you found us, and a new hobby as well as quitting the smokes.:)


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thanks whiskey. i appreciate the welcoming. i will drink some whiskey tonite in your honor


Excellence In Service
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Welcome ! I Stick 50 is pretty popular these days. Enjoy !


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And Welcome from me as well!


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yes indeed breaz. i'm looking to step my box mod game up soon. not that there's anything wrong with the istick 50w. with all the new stuff coming out, this hobby is going to kill my wallet. :eek: my finace's already asking why i already have 2 "dripper thingies" and a tank. haha. and so it begins......

thx RJ, that avy is pretty sweet.. you need to change your name to grandpaRJ. ha


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Welcome to the VU, Good to have you here.


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thanks everyone!


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