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Old school vaper returning to the forums

Fearless Disaster

ECF Refugee
Hello! I've been vaping since 2009 and also mixing my own juice since then because at the time there were all kinds of rumors about pollutants in the carts etc. I was into the artisan mods before they were all driven out of business by the clone market. I loved my Super - T mech mods, spheroids, erlkonigins, kayfuns, etc. When regulation (wattage not law) hit the scene I used tube mods from les nosmoker that seem to have become the foundation of the Dicodes platform. I stayed on Dicodes for years and gravitated to the SBS mods. First the XVOstick, then the Dicodes SBS.

About 10 years ago I stopped participating in ECF. 1 year ago I decided to update to current tech and switched to boro mods and back to evolv chipsets. I now have a few sweet boro mods that are nicer than any other mod I have had before! When I started getting into boros I went back to ECF and man, it's different there. It's like it exists only to promote the clones that destroyed the American artisan industry. I have decided that I want to participate in the community again and I heard this is a good place!

Here are some things that I have been doing in my time away from the forums:

1. Observed long term neurological effects of years of vaping: I stopped being able to tell the difference between wanting nicotine and wanting food. I have sorted that in case its happening to anyone else.

2. Nicotine microdosing: I have always had control over my juice strength, and slowly turned it down to the minimum my body and mind would accept. Right now in my boro setup I am vaping 0.4% of a 95% VG juice, no flavorings. I like the throat hit and it is enough that I don't want cigarettes when I am around them. If anyone is interested in nicotine microdosing I can help.

3. Titanium dry burning: I have been using titanium coils for over a decade. One of the gems that I recently got in the ECF was some guidance on jacking the TCR in order to get controlled dry burns of ti coils without generating any TiO2. If anyone loves the taste and purity of Ti but misses the convenience of dry burning coils I can help.

4. Juice safety: I have a background in chemical engineering. I mix juices that have ingredients for which I can look up the thermal decomposition process. With a temperature controlled mod, I can create juices where I am pretty sure of every compound in the juice and what happens to it at various temperatures.

I am looking forward to meeting today's ecig community!




Cranky Old Fart
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Welcome to VU! :cheers:

I never got into the boro thing, too expensive for my wallet at the moment. I use mech squonkers and mech tube mods. What flavorings do you use?

Fearless Disaster

ECF Refugee
Welcome to VU! :cheers:

I never got into the boro thing, too expensive for my wallet at the moment. I use mech squonkers and mech tube mods. What flavorings do you use?
thank you! definitely for the titanium gear I was after boros are expensive! I'm happy to have nothing but titanium, glass, and sometimes pctg in my vapor path. if I was to go for a less expensive boro I'd personally go for something with a DNA80C chip and a stainless bridge. The DNA80C in my experience has been almost as stable as the DNA100C and far more stable than the DNA60C.

I haven't used flavorings for years. I used to like citrus flavors and menthol crystals but would get tired of the flavors after a while and would go back to unflavored to take a break. At some point I thought I'd try to make the vape as healthy as possible. Modeling the thermal decomposition of "french toast flavoring" is damn near impossible without a good ingredients list so I took the path of least resistance and stuck with unflavored.

VG is naturally sweet and nicotine is slightly peppery and I find myself like the flavor! I have a PG sensitivity so I have never tried an unflavored pg juice. It might taste like antifreeze for all I know 😄

what are some of your favorite mechs? it seems like there are some seriously awesome ones out there these days! One of these days I want to coil one up again but regulated mods are just so dang easy.


Cranky Old Fart
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thank you! definitely for the titanium gear I was after boros are expensive! I'm happy to have nothing but titanium, glass, and sometimes pctg in my vapor path. if I was to go for a less expensive boro I'd personally go for something with a DNA80C chip and a stainless bridge. The DNA80C in my experience has been almost as stable as the DNA100C and far more stable than the DNA60C.

I haven't used flavorings for years. I used to like citrus flavors and menthol crystals but would get tired of the flavors after a while and would go back to unflavored to take a break. At some point I thought I'd try to make the vape as healthy as possible. Modeling the thermal decomposition of "french toast flavoring" is damn near impossible without a good ingredients list so I took the path of least resistance and stuck with unflavored.

VG is naturally sweet and nicotine is slightly peppery and I find myself like the flavor! I have a PG sensitivity so I have never tried an unflavored pg juice. It might taste like antifreeze for all I know 😄

what are some of your favorite mechs? it seems like there are some seriously awesome ones out there these days! One of these days I want to coil one up again but regulated mods are just so dang easy.
My gear is all relatively old Kennedy and THC 21700 size tubes and REO Grand and Coppervape squonks. Mechs have gone the way of the dodo or cost an arm and leg on the few stores that still sell them. Then there is our <sarcasm> beloved FDA </sarcasm> screwing things up here in the US.

I DIY my juice and primarily use Flavorah flavorings. They are ultra concentrated and I can make some tasty vapes at 5% or less flavoring. I understand your vaping unflavored.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I still use my old school mech squonkers - mainly T-mod and little custom Floris del Finos, occasionally REOs

For the one RTA I use the Clutch


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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Member For 5 Years
My gear is all relatively old Kennedy and THC 21700 size tubes and REO Grand and Coppervape squonks. Mechs have gone the way of the dodo or cost an arm and leg on the few stores that still sell them. Then there is our <sarcasm> beloved FDA </sarcasm> screwing things up here in the US.

I DIY my juice and primarily use Flavorah flavorings. They are ultra concentrated and I can make some tasty vapes at 5% or less flavoring. I understand your vaping unflavored.
At least we were smart and invested in good shit once mechs disappeared in the USA

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