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Old time smoker, but on and off again to vaping, but this time its also a hobby :)


Member For 4 Years
Hello everyone!
Been smoking since I was 13 and now going onto 41. I started vaping close to a year ago and been on and off again 'til I found the subtanks :) I started off with the mini-nautilus premium starter kit and then found the subox kit. I bought a rx200 and a TFV4 recently and think it may have been a little bit more then I can handle so I guess I'm on here looking around for advise on what tank set-up I could use with what I have to work my way up to it. I'm still a mouth to lung hitter and an avid DIYer so I would love to get into making MODS and wrapping coils at one point in this journey into being a bit more healthy :)


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello and welcome! Look at the Kanger Sub-tank Mini, that one you can close down for mouth to lung hits. You have all the power needed with the gear you have.


Member For 4 Years
She's just still getting use to it because I have always smoked outside when I smoked cigarettes. She grew up with a dad that smoked 3 packs a day in a very small house. So I just blow my clouds toward the intake vents to my central air for now ;).

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