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Old time smoker New Vaper

My first post ever on an e-cig forum. I smoked for a little over 30 years. Never a really heavy smoker (about 1/2 a pack a day) but with 30 years in I had smokers cough and several really nasty colds every year. Tried to quit for years but couldn't. Tried everything except the pills. Nothing took. I even tried a gas station cigalike (didn't know it was even part of the vaping spectrum when I tried it). Then back in May I went to a friends birthday party and a friend asked me if I knew about something called "vaping". She let me try her mod (Istick 20w and Aspire) and told me how she had been cig free for a over year. When I got home I went to youtube and looked it up. Just wow. In two days I found a vape shop in my area (well a head shop that sold vape equipment anyway). They set me up with an Istick 50w and Arctic Sub ohm tank (what a way to start). The first month I smoked and vaped (well tried to vape anyway). Because I started sub ohm (didn't even understand what that was at the time) it too some getting used to. Like so many other posters here I remember my last cigarette well - it tasted disgusting. This was on May 31, 2015. I have not had a single cigarette since. The first few weeks were rough, but I was determined. That Arctic tank and Mothers Milk got me through. I am going into my 8th month cig free. Between the forums and the hundreds of youtube videos I watched I had a rather fast progression. From cheap China stuff, tanks and Cuttwood to Provari, kayfuns and other high end devices. I build my own coils and use rda's at home. My flavor profile is nothing like when I first started (can't take any strawberry milks at all now - I'm a custard/coffee/dessert guy). Don't care much about clouds (though I blow them from time to time) and focus more on the flavors. Funny part is I like vaping way more than I ever liked smoking. My smokers cough is gone. So far no colds this winter season. I have my breath back. The best part of it all is not constantly stinking of cigarette smoke. I've become somewhat of a vaping crusader now. I'll tell any smoker who'll listen about vaping. All in all I could not be happier having made the transition.

I'll end here. Like many 30+ year smokers I could go on an on about vaping (my wife can't take it anymore - she was never a smoker). Just happy to be a part of the vape community.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Great intro and welcome to VU, Glad you found vaping and the forum. Lots of great info when it comes to vaping here and the community is awesome!!
Welcome aboard!!:)


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Excellent story and similar to my own. Welcome to the group!

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Will write reviews for Beer!
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My first post ever on an e-cig forum. I smoked for a little over 30 years. Never a really heavy smoker (about 1/2 a pack a day) but with 30 years in I had smokers cough and several really nasty colds every year. Tried to quit for years but couldn't. Tried everything except the pills. Nothing took. I even tried a gas station cigalike (didn't know it was even part of the vaping spectrum when I tried it). Then back in May I went to a friends birthday party and a friend asked me if I knew about something called "vaping". She let me try her mod (Istick 20w and Aspire) and told me how she had been cig free for a over year. When I got home I went to youtube and looked it up. Just wow. In two days I found a vape shop in my area (well a head shop that sold vape equipment anyway). They set me up with an Istick 50w and Arctic Sub ohm tank (what a way to start). The first month I smoked and vaped (well tried to vape anyway). Because I started sub ohm (didn't even understand what that was at the time) it too some getting used to. Like so many other posters here I remember my last cigarette well - it tasted disgusting. This was on May 31, 2015. I have not had a single cigarette since. The first few weeks were rough, but I was determined. That Arctic tank and Mothers Milk got me through. I am going into my 8th month cig free. Between the forums and the hundreds of youtube videos I watched I had a rather fast progression. From cheap China stuff, tanks and Cuttwood to Provari, kayfuns and other high end devices. I build my own coils and use rda's at home. My flavor profile is nothing like when I first started (can't take any strawberry milks at all now - I'm a custard/coffee/dessert guy). Don't care much about clouds (though I blow them from time to time) and focus more on the flavors. Funny part is I like vaping way more than I ever liked smoking. My smokers cough is gone. So far no colds this winter season. I have my breath back. The best part of it all is not constantly stinking of cigarette smoke. I've become somewhat of a vaping crusader now. I'll tell any smoker who'll listen about vaping. All in all I could not be happier having made the transition.

I'll end here. Like many 30+ year smokers I could go on an on about vaping (my wife can't take it anymore - she was never a smoker). Just happy to be a part of the vape community.


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Welcome,I just joined, but I am a 62 yr old woman who smoled 3 packs a day until 8 months ago. Believe it or not I quit using Blu. It was all I knew. I guy I worked with gave me a vape pen, but it seemed so complicated. But today I got my VaporFi Vice in the mail and so far I love it. Don't know all the vaping "lingo", but I do know I quit smoking...finally!


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Welcome aboard gvapes! I enjoyed reading your intro. Glad you made it here with us.


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