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One Smooth Cat, That Jack


Picky Bearded 'Backy Bum
VU Donator
Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hello, VU! Got another recipe for all you's creamy, smooth-flavored fruit lovers out there. Just a little something I whipped up on a whim and thought it was good enough to share. Without further ado, I present:


One Smooth Cat, That Jack

4% TFA Jackfruit
2.5% CAP Butter Cream
1.5% FW Toasted Marshmallow
1% TFA Vanilla Swirl
1% TFA 10% Vanillin Concentrate

(EM to taste, I aimed with 2 drops per 10ml, works well IMO)


Starting off with the Jackfruit - what an interesting fruit flavor. Others have said it was the marriage between Pineapples and Pears, and that about rings true in my opinion as well. Not too much one way or the other, it's unique and light and pleasant at around 5-8% by itself, but I toned it down to 4% for this recipe. If you'd like it to pop out from underneath the other flavors a bit more, feel free to throw in a little extra.

Butter Cream has this thick, smooth flavor that I've been playing around with more and more. Some stuff works really well with it, others not-so-much. Seeing as how this is the basis for the cream layer, I didn't feel additional Fresh Creams, Vanilla Beans, Custards etc to make much of an appearance. Part of this deliciousness is in its simplicity.

Toasted Marshmallow adds a nice note to it that I couldn't get with Toasted Almond and regular Marshmallow alone. In fact, regular marshmallow was what was originally in this recipe at a smidge higher than it is up there - toasted works awesomely here.

Finally, Vanilla Swirl to give it some sweetness with a body of vanilla, and the 10% sollution to put it over the top in sweetness while not detracting from the vanilla notes.

EM will make it even a little bit sweeter and help mellow it all out a bit, but too much will kill the Butter Cream and Toasted Marshmallow notes that are prominent at these percentages.


edited to add:

So I've been steadily vaping this for about three days now, to both refine the recipe a bit before posting and, well, because it's the new itch I'm scratching. Just a thought that I forgot to throw in there - it kind of tastes like peach, of all things. Kind of a mind-screw, but there you go - it's got a note profile that matches a creamy, vanilla-peach flavor.

Also, while Googling around and finding more about my ingredients, I caught this:

...where a fellow user already got the Toasted Marshmallow/Jackfruit combo out. So, apparently not as original as I thought I was being. Just wanted to throw out a preemptive olive branch, as no theft is intended! If you want to read a bit more about the flavor concentrate, I'd highly recommend a click. There's forum drama, natch, but there's some interesting takes on Jackfruit in there.


As always, my (updated) disclaimer: I release this recipe to the open internet for use in personal, commercial, private and public consumption alike. Feel free to modify, use, alter, copy and share this recipe however you wish - no notice to the original author is required or necessary. This recipe was not copied from any other person, source, post or comment - any similarity to other recipes is purely coincidental.
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