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Passion Fruit (FA): 3.5%
Coconut (FA): 3%
Orange (FA): 1.5%
Mandarin (FA): 1.5%
Peach (FA): 1%
Citrus Mix (FA): 1%
Koolada (TPA): 4 drops per 10ml.

I had J20 Orange and Passion fruit in mind when mixing up this one. It's not meant to be 1:1 to that, however.

This tastes very sweet, thick and full bodied - just like J20. I really like it.

To me, both Fa's Orange and Mandarin taste very thin and weak as a shake and vape. After a 12 hours or so they taste much stronger and full bodied, so give try this one as a shake and vape (which is still good), but see how it changes after a day or so - even just a few hours makes a big difference here for me! :)

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