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plants vaping


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hey, is vapor bad for plants? ill be growing again soon and spend alot of time in my (indoor) garden. I never vaped around them before but It would make things easier if i could.


Diamond Contributor
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No , vaping does not harm indoor plants, I have many and have been vaping around them for years


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peppers, tea, coffee, tobacco, others... just a few Id like to try that i havent, aside from a couple jalapenos


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You vape food grade VG right? so my thoughts would be it doesn't hurt consumable plants.
You grow indoor tobacco? LOL


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vapor should not harm them. in fact it is like a fog in some respects so it could even help.


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alright all thanks for the help. I dont grow tobbaco, but Id like to start adding some unique plants to my grow. and I always thought it would be cool to grow tobacco, coffee, tea, just stuff that most people forget comes from plants. its a great feeling reaping the rewards of all your hard work. Im growing a 'medicinal herb'.... I think its in the same family as catnip. not gonna specify since theres so much taboo around the subject. anyway I was jw bc I know plants can get TBM (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) just from being around tobacco users. I know theres a huge difference but it just got me thinking bc I would never vape in my grow room either just bc I didnt want to deal with any issues it could bring that I was unaware of. thanks for the help though, Ill be starting a greenhouse this summer if all goes well and am planning on having all sorts of herbs, veggies, and something a lil more crazy. maybe a venus fly trap or pitcher plant.


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alright all thanks for the help. I dont grow tobbaco, but Id like to start adding some unique plants to my grow. and I always thought it would be cool to grow tobacco, coffee, tea, just stuff that most people forget comes from plants. its a great feeling reaping the rewards of all your hard work. Im growing a 'medicinal herb'.... I think its in the same family as catnip. not gonna specify since theres so much taboo around the subject. anyway I was jw bc I know plants can get TBM (Tobacco Mosaic Virus) just from being around tobacco users. I know theres a huge difference but it just got me thinking bc I would never vape in my grow room either just bc I didnt want to deal with any issues it could bring that I was unaware of. thanks for the help though, Ill be starting a greenhouse this summer if all goes well and am planning on having all sorts of herbs, veggies, and something a lil more crazy. maybe a venus fly trap or pitcher plant.
Lmao. A venus fly trap would be sick... But what the heck is a pitcher plant?


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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A carnivorous plant that attracts insects with a sweet nectar, they crawl in to get to it and can't get out due to one way hair barbs in the pitcher plants throat, so they become plant chow.


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alot of pitcher plants have slick inner walls too so as soon as theyre on the inner part of the lip...slip...SPLOOSH!.... bubble and digest. yummy lol


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Turns out we have pitcher plants in the USA! I was researching carnivorous plants and found the Cobra lily (or Cali Pitcher Plant) which is a pitcher plant that grows in california and oregon. usually in bogs
There is actually a recent study that really nicely answers this questions. In a nutshell, since e-cigarette vapor is really a liquid aerosol it dissipates in a matter of seconds. It would be highly unlikely anything you effect your plants, or your pets, or anyone for that matter.


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There is actually a recent study that really nicely answers this questions. In a nutshell, since e-cigarette vapor is really a liquid aerosol it dissipates in a matter of seconds. It would be highly unlikely anything you effect your plants, or your pets, or anyone for that matter.
YOUR TIMING COULDNT HAVE BEEN BETTER! I just got my greenhouse roof back up and have some clones coming withing the week! I was pretty sure they'd be fine but Im the kind of guy who needs to understand things (at least for the most part) before I put too much faith in anything... Ill be reading up on this with my morning coffee! thanks Amber! PS I havent given up on my carnivourous plants yet guys... maybe Ill teach it to twist coils for me... LIL VAPE SHOP OF HORRORS? UMM YEAH IF I CAN HELP IT!


Diamond Contributor
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Good question....the only fear I would have is if vaping nicotine from tobacco or even tomatoes,may be able to transmit tobacco mosaic virus to any tomatoes or peppers....I knid of doubt it though. I know some vapers grow there own tobaccos and they haven't mentioned it being a problem. I garden and grow alot of vegetables and I haven't noticed any effect,but I grow outdoors. however I vape around the seedlings I grow indoors and so far no ill effects.


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TMV is my biggest fear, but im not sure if the virus would (or could) be extracted with the nicotine. I'll have at least twelve plants, up to 24 If I decide to take on another patient, so ill be spending LOADS of time in there and they will likley be exposed to a decent amount of vapor. Being a dual user I know there is a chance of spreading TMV just being there... but if all goes well Ill be full vaper and an Ex-smoker by the time they start flowering


Diamond Contributor
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TMV is my biggest fear, but im not sure if the virus would (or could) be extracted with the nicotine. I'll have at least twelve plants, up to 24 If I decide to take on another patient, so ill be spending LOADS of time in there and they will likley be exposed to a decent amount of vapor. Being a dual user I know there is a chance of spreading TMV just being there... but if all goes well Ill be full vaper and an Ex-smoker by the time they start flowering
I know that tobacco smoke doesn't spread the virus, but touching the plants after touching tobacco can.


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I know that tobacco smoke doesn't spread the virus, but touching the plants after touching tobacco can.
yea, and unfortunaly my mom rolls cigs so it seems like theres random tobacco everywhere, ill just have to be careful!

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