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Plume Veil 1.5... What am I doing wrong?

Toxic Dover

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Hi everyone. First off I'd like to say "Hi" to everyone - I'm a new member here and have lurked around for a while. I'm looking forward to becoming part of the community!

Now, a question for you guys... I've been vaping for 3 months or so. I picked up my first RDA about 3 weeks into the hobby, which is a Tugboat V1, and I love it - great flavor and relatively easy to build on. I wanted to pick up something with some air options that still had great favor, and everything I read pointed me towards the Plume Veil. So, I ordered a Plume Veil 1.5 (Tobeco clone) last week and got it yesterday, and... well, I'm less than impressed... Even with the air flow mostly closed off (top air holes closed, cyclops slots 80% shut), the flavor is vague at best with all my juices (and using both wide-bore and regular bore drip tips). I've read and watched reviews talking about how great the flavor is on these things, but man... I've got to be doing something wrong. The build I have in there now is a pair of 24 gauge, 8-wrap coils aligned to the center that are wicked with organic cotton. Can anybody give me some tips as to how to choke some flavor out of this RDA?



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Mike H.

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No experience really with an RDA but i can tell you different tanks require different wattage to gain flavor...This may be the case with your atty..Where my kanger protank 2 is happy at 8 to 9 watts, my kayfun and taifun however love 12 plus watts to get flavor from them.

Maybe try playing with may find going lower or higher in watts can make a difference in flavor.

Best of luck with it.

Tim Vatic

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From the look of your build I dont see why your having problems. What flavor are you using and at what voltage/wattage? I have a few plume veils and I love em.

Toxic Dover

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Yeah, I know the build is pretty standard, but it covers a good amount of surface area and I don't see any issues with the wicking... I'm lost.

I've tried it on my mechanical mod with fully charged Samsung 18650 batteries, and I've also ran it through the iStick 50W's range, with no improvements on flavor other than the vapor getting cooler or hotter... I don't get it. :(

Toxic Dover

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Oh - and I've been switching between Serial Killa (9 South) and Alpha (Cloud Science), both of which taste pretty great on my Tugboat... In the Plume Veil, I can taste the Cereal Killa, but not as well as I can in the Tugboat (although that juice is a flavor bomb to begin with), but the Cloud Science juice (which is heavenly in my Tugboat) gives off almost no flavor at all, even immediately after dripping.


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I'll also echo that build looking great. In my opinion the plume veils flavor production is completely overblown. I prefer the mutation for flavor builds. I run ~.6 ohm single coils in them on regulated devices, and ~.2 ohm dual coils on mech mods. I get fantastic flavors from both styles of builds mainly because of how open or tight you can make the airflow. Pick up a clone of a v2 and your lack of flavor troubles should be gone.



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The wicks might be too long, hindering proper air circulation.


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Try sliding your coils over post to post.
I've put my plume through is paces and I've found that centering the coil counteracts the -post air hole.
in a dual coil build you would gain efficiency by having them offset with very little wick on the negative side.
mold the negative side tail under the coil and into a channel, fill the positive side with cloud and open a chanel under the coil to the - airhole.
aim your chamber holes at the coil so all of the air entering the chamber will circulate around the coil.

I'm far from a pro but this is how I set mine up and it works great.

R3alJim Shady

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I'd open up the airflow and crank up the wattage. I've found that flavor is better on the Plume with more airflow. Make sure your negative post air holes are clear of wick. That should help too.

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Pauly Walnuts

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Hi everyone. First off I'd like to say "Hi" to everyone - I'm a new member here and have lurked around for a while. I'm looking forward to becoming part of the community!

Now, a question for you guys... I've been vaping for 3 months or so. I picked up my first RDA about 3 weeks into the hobby, which is a Tugboat V1, and I love it - great flavor and relatively easy to build on. I wanted to pick up something with some air options that still had great favor, and everything I read pointed me towards the Plume Veil. So, I ordered a Plume Veil 1.5 (Tobeco clone) last week and got it yesterday, and... well, I'm less than impressed... Even with the air flow mostly closed off (top air holes closed, cyclops slots 80% shut), the flavor is vague at best with all my juices (and using both wide-bore and regular bore drip tips). I've read and watched reviews talking about how great the flavor is on these things, but man... I've got to be doing something wrong. The build I have in there now is a pair of 24 gauge, 8-wrap coils aligned to the center that are wicked with organic cotton. Can anybody give me some tips as to how to choke some flavor out of this RDA?

I had a plume veil and it was my adv for a long time.

You are not getting enough airflow on your coils when they are that far away, or so it seems from your pic. If you want any kind of flavor at all, you need that air blasting directly on your coils, on its way towards the drip tip.

Try this, Pull your coils out. Pull them all the way out till they just clear the airflow control., position them directly behind your airholes, and very slightly above. Your legs will be long, but its not a big deal, I vaped on builds like that for months with zero problems.
For some rdas, your forced to keep your coils close to the posts, the plume veil is not one of them.

Toxic Dover

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Thanks for all the input guys. Once I get home from work today I'm going to play around with the coil positions like bondo and Pauly Walnuts suggested and see if I can get some flavor rolling out of this thing. Nameonawall: I'll also look into the Mutation clones; they look pretty nice!

I'll keep you guys updated on how my flavor quest is coming, lol...


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Slightly off topic so I do apologize but if you're looking for flavor in a reasonably priced (~$25-30 atty) the freakshow mini can't be beat IMO. It's got huge bore bottom airflow and it has a tiny chamber so it really builds the flavor!


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As a general rule, the closer you get the coils to incoming airflow the more vapor you'll get. Here's my pv, 22ga nichrome. .21Ω with rayon, 50w is just barely warm, but she CHUCKS. And all I can taste is Posedions Punch.
A good starting point is get your coils as close to the outer walls as you can, make sure the airflow shutters aren't going to hit! then set them to where the incoming air hits the bottom half of the coils. Less wick is more! I'd use about half of the wicking you've got stuffed in there. And also make sure wick doesn't get in the way of airflow around it.

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I'd open up the airflow and crank up the wattage. I've found that flavor is better on the Plume with more airflow. Make sure your negative post air holes are clear of wick. That should help too.

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just a fyi, those little bastard holes in the ground legs dont do a damn thing besides spill juice. mine are plugged with broken off toothpicks, didnt make even the slightest bit of difference in vapor, or flavor.


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Thanks for all the input guys. Once I get home from work today I'm going to play around with the coil positions like bondo and Pauly Walnuts suggested and see if I can get some flavor rolling out of this thing. Nameonawall: I'll also look into the Mutation clones; they look pretty nice!

I'll keep you guys updated on how my flavor quest is coming, lol...
something else to consider... they make a glass cap for the mutation, turns it into a flavor atty. its my every day atty, except for taking it off to put the plume veil on to snap pics for things are somewhat of a toss up. clouds, or flavor. to really get one or the other you need different attys. plume veil is about the closest to a 2 in 1 as it gets, i think anyway.


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something else to consider... they make a glass cap for the mutation, turns it into a flavor atty. its my every day atty, except for taking it off to put the plume veil on to snap pics for things are somewhat of a toss up. clouds, or flavor. to really get one or the other you need different attys. plume veil is about the closest to a 2 in 1 as it gets, i think anyway.
I've been looking for one of those for my MxV3. I also recommend this rda. It's extremely versatile IMO. also, and I don't if anyone else had mentioned this, but you might try some twisted builds for flavor. with 26or28g. Maybe even pick up some .8 flat kanthal.


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there is absolutely no reason to buy a mutation clone. a authentic mutation v3 can b had for the same price as a clone so no reason to go clone.

Toxic Dover

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Well Dingo, I tried your method and I think we're onto something... I moved the coils as close to the outside as possible and raised them so the bottom half is getting the blast of air coming in, and the flavor has increased significantly from what it was. I tried to use as little wicking as you, but I don't think I quite made it, lol, although it is a decent bit less than what I originally had in there. Take a peek and let me know what you think! I appreciate all the help - building is still pretty new to me, and while it's a blast, it's a lot to learn!


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Might try a different juice too. Some juices just don't have strong flavor. Build looks good. The oversize wire might have something to do with it.

Toxic Dover

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Might try a different juice too. Some juices just don't have strong flavor. Build looks good. The oversize wire might have something to do with it.

Yeah, I did try a different juice this time and the flavor is just as good as in my Tugboat... I haven't tried my Alpha juice in this build yet, but I'm hoping that the flavor comes through good on this build with that juice since it's been my ADV for the past few weeks, haha... I love that stuff.

I may play with the kanthal gauges a bit as well like you mentioned... The build I just did in it is 8 wraps of 24 gauge kanthal wrapped around a 3mm screw driver, which resulted in a .37 ohm build. I may try a similar build (or maybe even a parallel build... been wanting to try one of those) with some 26 gauge (the only other size I have, lol) and see what happens.

Pauly Walnuts

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Well Dingo, I tried your method and I think we're onto something... I moved the coils as close to the outside as possible and raised them so the bottom half is getting the blast of air coming in, and the flavor has increased significantly from what it was. I tried to use as little wicking as you, but I don't think I quite made it, lol, although it is a decent bit less than what I originally had in there. Take a peek and let me know what you think! I appreciate all the help - building is still pretty new to me, and while it's a blast, it's a lot to learn!

Looks great, that pic from the outside looking in, is exactly what it needs to be.

Another tip for flavor, is a personal habit of mine.
Only keep one tail on the deck, on each side. So if your left tail is on the deck, make your right tail slightly longer and take it over the top, then tuck it behind the tail on the other side (it will be the tail thats on the deck). Do this on both sides and you will have a wick on each side, connecting both sets of wicks.

This accomplishes two things. One: it keeps some wick above the coil, helping the juice flow. Two, it makes much more space for airflow under the coil, which allows the side holes work properly. Also, it gives you a little more wick for absorbtion, since with those 'on deck' holes, you cant have juice touch the deck, without it leaking.

Try it out, its the best way ive found to wick an rda.


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i wick mine kind of odd. i use one long piece of japanese cotton and i run the single piece through both coils without cutting it. tuck one tail under each coil and im done. in my mind at least it prevents one coil getting juice while the other gets a dry hit or less juice. nothing to back it up but i really like the way it wicks

Pauly Walnuts

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Heres some pics. Its on my CLT, another rda that uses side airflow holes.


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Did you make sure to clean it well? Machining oil can do all sorts of hell for flavor with an RDA.


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there is absolutely no reason to buy a mutation clone. a authentic mutation v3 can b had for the same price as a clone so no reason to go clone.
Made this mistake... Thought I was getting an authentic. My negative posts spun on the first build.

Toxic Dover

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So I got bored and tried something new today: it's a flavor powerhouse! 24 gauge 8-wrap single parallel coil wrapped around a 3mm screwdriver... Flavor is fantastic, but man does this thing eat up some juice... lol.


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As a general rule, the closer you get the coils to incoming airflow the more vapor you'll get. Here's my pv, 22ga nichrome. .21Ω with rayon, 50w is just barely warm, but she CHUCKS. And all I can taste is Posedions Punch.
A good starting point is get your coils as close to the outer walls as you can, make sure the airflow shutters aren't going to hit! then set them to where the incoming air hits the bottom half of the coils. Less wick is more! I'd use about half of the wicking you've got stuffed in there. And also make sure wick doesn't get in the way of airflow around it.

I set mine up with single 26ga kanthal parallel 7/8 wrap 2.4mm , comes out to .4 ohms. Same airflow setup, bottom half of coil in the slot. Run it on 32w with a wide bore drip trip and enjoy the ride to flavatown.

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