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POLL: Flavors - If you could only vape tobacco or menthol e-liquid, could you have quit smoking ?

If you could only vape tobacco or menthol e-liquid, could you have quit smoking ?

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If you could only vape tobacco or menthol e-liquid, could you have quit smoking ?

I personally don't think I could. I loved menthol cigarettes but I even though I've found a couple good menthol e-liquids, I don't think I could vape it all day every day.


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Can't stand menthol either analog or vapor. Started with coffee and dessert flavors. Even now the only tobacco i like is blackbird.


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I did quit using menthol and tobacco eliquids. It was more about determination than the liquids. Now I almost never touch menthol but I still love tobacco flavors even though I smoked menthol cigs exclusively. My difficulty was I started with Halo menthol flavors and the super high PG kills my throat. I still have 30ml bottles of Kringle's Curse and Mystic. I have to cut it with VG to use it which doesn't happen very often. Everybody has their stumbling blocks.


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I also quit using tobacco by vaping Halo SubZero Menthols in 16mg nic. After I was vaping solely for a month did I start trying other eliquids. I got off of nicotine about 2 months ago. Vaping Subzero from a tank is nice, but don't try dripping it! Wowzers! Gotta cut it with a mix of 10%SZ/90 VG to get a comfortable and enjoyable vape from a dripper.


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I started on Tobacco flavors first. It was about a month or so later before I tried any other flavors. I needed the tobacco type taste to keep off analogs at the start.


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I was a 30 year menthol smoker. As hard as I tried to vape only, I couldn't put the cigarettes down until I found the right flavor. It was neither tobacco, nor menthol.

Alan Woltemath

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i smoked 2 packs of menthols a day. when i started vaping i wanted nothing to do with that flavor. The whole idea for me was to get away from the flavor all together. I do love me some sweet fruity vapes.


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I needed tobacco flavors when I started vaping. It was part of my progression in breaking my smoking habits and routines. I still use tobacco flavors. But tobacco with added flavors like caramel, vanilla and blueberry. I can't stand straight tobacco flavors anymore and gave away and sold the rest of what I had.

Menthol??? Hated menthol cigarettes so this was never a consideration. I did use a few menthol cartos early on that were more minty than menthol just to get the throat hit.

Dan Az

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I smoked for 50 plus years and I started with white rhino tobacco juice and quit smoking after the first day.I'm what you call a stubborn person and refuse to quit because of some liberal sniveler that wants to control my life. But after the first day I tried a cigarette and it tasted like cow chit rolled up in a brown paper bag. That was it for me and now I have just about every mod available and tank system that you can buy. So much for saving money. But I would never go back to smoking and I just blow vaper in the faces of liberal cry babies. I gave up on the tobacco juices for tangy sweet juice and I have a hard time trying other ones.I just wished that it was around 50 yrs ago.


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I did not like any of the tobacco flavors I tried when I started vaping. It wasn't until I started DIY that I found some good tobaccos. My tastes buds were fried from years/decades of smoking. It was coffee and bakery vapes that got me off cigarettes.

Chip Chipperson

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If Indigo Vapor's tobaccos didn't exist, then No.. Otherwise it would be easy - no other vendor can touch their tobacco flavors..

especially 'OohRah' and 'Captain Ron'


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I still vape tobacco flavors here and there. I noticed that I have a craving for that flavor when I am drinking a good brew. However, it flavors are banned, I would probably go dyi...


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I don't like menthol vapes, but I could probably vape a good ry4, something similar to Halo's Tribeca!


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I like my tobacco's ... if they really did taste like a cig, I'd hate'm
I prefer the softer tobaccos, and I like adding other flavors to them
Don't care for the menthols at all.


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I think most started on tob. flavors and then moved on . However now with good flavors coming out and promoted so much
maybe today that is not the case .


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Absolutely. My two favourites right now are tobacco flavoured. Caramel Turkish and Desert Ship. I look forward to trying more Cigar flavours. And i will definitely get more of the two i listed. Actually i have gotten tired of the fruity and candy flavours for now. I have a coffee flavour i vape on occasionally these days. But mostly it's the tobacco flavours i am on lately. And it seems vapore tunge is not as prevalent in the tobacco flavours. At least in my experience so far. My first flavour was RY4 and it was not bad either. The trick is getting it from the right vendor.


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I did quit using menthol and tobacco eliquids. It was more about determination than the liquids. Now I almost never touch menthol but I still love tobacco flavors even though I smoked menthol cigs exclusively. My difficulty was I started with Halo menthol flavors and the super high PG kills my throat. I still have 30ml bottles of Kringle's Curse and Mystic. I have to cut it with VG to use it which doesn't happen very often. Everybody has their stumbling blocks.

Desert Ship from MFS is %100 VG and is real smooth. It's awesome with a dripper and the clouds you get from a good premium blend is outstanding.


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I sure could have if it was Boba's Bounty :D Although I did not smoke menthols, Dekang menthol was my very first eliquid (zero nic), I liked it, but there was no way I could have quit vaping it though.

DK Tab mixed with cinnamon danish, and flue cured tobacco were my ADV's for a very long time... Oh, and Dekang Gold & Silver, I loved that stuff, wish I had some today. :)

Kent B Marshall

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Menthol and tobacco is still part of my everyday vape. Ability to get my "nicotine fix" was the key to my success. I enjoy vaping more than smoking. Would like to see every smoker switch to vaping.


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It's funny. When i smoked i always wanted a flavor other than Ass or Mint Ass. Now that i could vape friggin' pork chop if i wanted to, i vape tobacco flavors almost exclusively.


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It's funny. When i smoked i always wanted a flavor other than Ass or Mint Ass. Now that i could vape friggin' pork chop if i wanted to, i vape tobacco flavors almost exclusively.

Oh so true.
Besides, vaping tobacco flavors is 100% better tasting than the burning paper and dead leaves tasted:confused:
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No way in hell. The first time I tried to quit smoking I was trying to duplicate the menthol analogs that I smoked which resulted in me doing both for a whole year back in the 808 and ego-t days. God did those things suck lol. The only reason I kept vaping is because I could do it at work. Once I started trying fruits and flavors I actually liked I quit analogs for good in four days flat and never went back.

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I hated all the tobacco flavors I tried - couldn't replicate burning tobacco, thus it wasn't good enough. It wasn't until I switched it up to fruits that I was able to separate vaping from smoking.

When I smoked, I might pick up a pack of menthols once or twice a year, just for a change of pace, then back to the Marlboros. Now, most of my vapes are some sort of a fruit with a menthol undertone...keeps the wife out of my juice stash, she could never stand the menthol cigs and still can't stand most of my juices.


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I'm surprised so many could have used just tobaccos and menthols to quit.

I could have quit more easily with 0 nic but lots of flavors than with only tobacco/menthol with nic.

Gimme the flavor bottles, and nobody gets hurt..


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back in the day, 5+ years ago when i started, "tobacco" flavors didnt taste like tobacco. most were ry4 type flavor, a lot sweeter than your typical cigarette. even today, you still have to do some serious hunting around to find the cigarette flavor that doesnt that like ass & sweatsocks.


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No, although I usually vape a mint I bounce around to fruit flavors a lot. My first night without a cigarette was with fruit and by accident because it was better. If it was tobacco it would've either been a bad tobacco that made me rather have a cigarette or a good tobacco which I may as well have had a cigarette.


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I did quit smoking exclusively using menthol juice for the first few weeks to a month, but I'm not sure that I would've stayed quit without the wide range of flavors that I now enjoy. There's only one way to find out, but I don't want to limit myself or start smoking again... we should have a "Maybe" option in the poll for weirdos like me ;)
I went with the fruity flavors when I first started vaping. I didn't want to vape tobacco flavors for fear it would make me miss smoking too much. I've since tried some tobacco juices and they haven't really been for me.

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