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Portland State nets $3.5 million NIH grant to help clear the air on hazards of e-cigarettes


Under Ground Hustler
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Con artists behind the "Vaping has Formaldehyde 10X worse than Smoking" SCAM
Get another $3.5 MILLION to lie more about vaping (and to add to their greedy pockets of course)

Why was the Formaldehyde study a scam???
Aside from the fact that they burned the coils to where no vaper would ever use them?

"The formaldehyde issue is more of a red herring. Formaldehyde forms as a natural part of your metabolism. Your blood typically contains ~3 mg/l of it and the body metabolizes ~69 mg formaldehyde/MINUTE(!). It’s always part of your breath, your blood and in tissues. (See Mitkus et al., 2012 from USFDA).

In contrast, using models the US Env Protection Agency sees formaldehyde as an incredibly incredibly dangerous carcinogen. Notably, they had proposed an airborne level that would be 1/50th to 1/500th of the natural formaldehyde level in your breath. At a Society for Risk Analysis meeting, a regulatory official from Texas gave a superb talk on the absurdity of this. If you follow EPA’s thinking (or lack thereof), the best way to avoid cancer from formaldehyde is to stop breathing.*

Hence, considering that you naturally have 3 mg formaldehyde/l in your blood and that you are metabolizing 69 mg/minute – every minute all day, an additional 14 mg/DAY from inhalation is tiny by comparison."

So even their LIES are based on a SCAM - 5150
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thanks for the share/news/info
Being from Portland this makes me very upset!


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Always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy to know that concerned groups of people need that much money to raise awareness over what I decide to put in my own body in the privacy of my home, or my car or at least 8 feet away from the grocery store entrance.

Thanks for the share:) I was amazed how hard that blatantly flawed study was pushed on the masses. Thought it kinda reeked of big tobacco shitting their Gucci underoos over the 17 billion they stand to lose in the next year or so.

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