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Possible e-cigarette tax in Cook County worries some in vape business


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Paywall sign up bullshit so i'll just post the entire story here.
Fuck your sign up bullshit Chicago Tribune

Possible e-cigarette tax in Cook County worries some in vape business

Skokie, Mount Prospect and Lincoln Park in Chicago. He said he's concerned about the impact a possible 20-cent per milliliter tax on e-cigarette liquid included as part of Cook County President Toni Preckwinkle's proposed 2016 budget may have on the health of his business. The tax, if approved, is estimated to generate about $1.5 million in revenue for the county.

"We're all pretty upset about it," Ventura said, referencing other vape shop owners he's spoken to about the proposed tax.

He said his business in Lincoln Park may be hardest hit by the tax. Chicago aldermen recently passed a budget that included an e-cigarette tax estimated to generate $1 million in revenue for the city, and Ventura said a Cook County tax on top of that would increase the cost of e-cigarette liquid so much that it would be in line with what customers could expect to pay for traditional cigarettes in the city.

Timothy Schneider, 15th.

Ventura said e-cigarettes have also helped him avoid using traditional cigarettes for the past three years, and he said the majority of his customers have similarly made the switch.

But Andrea King, a professor of psychiatry and director of the Clinical Addictions Research Laboratory at the University of Chicago, said only about 5 or 6 percent of e-cigarette users avoid smoking traditional cigarettes altogether.

"Most people who use e-cigarettes are dual users," said King. "They'll go back and forth between e-cigarettes and combustible cigarettes."

King said an experienced e-cigarette users' exposure to nicotine "can be two to five times higher than with a regular cigarette." The higher nicotine consumption, she said, continues the addiction rather than curbs it and increases the risk for liquid nicotine poisoning.

"We can say e-cigarettes are almost certainly lower risk than traditional cigarettes, but you can say that about just about anything because combustible cigarettes are the leading cause of preventable death worldwide," said Amanda Mathew, a postdoctoral research fellow at Northwestern University's Department of Preventive Medicine.

Both King and Mathew said one of the biggest concerns are the devices' appeal to adolescents, especially given the variety of fruity and sweet e-cigarette liquid flavors available for purchase.

A study funded by the National Institutes of Health recently concluded that adolescents who have used e-cigarettes before ninth grade are more likely than those who haven't to start smoking traditional cigarettes within a year.

"The concern is, it is hooking people who otherwise would not be e-cigarette or tobacco users," Mathew said.

Another worry stems from a current lack of regulation of e-cigarette products by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Without regulation, consumers have "no way of knowing for sure what (they're) going to get -- the products are highly variable," Mathew said.

Ventura said he welcomes regulation by the FDA, but he says adolescent use of e-cigarettes as a justification for taxing the products "is a lame excuse." He said local laws prevent sales of the product to anyone under the age of 18.

If county commissioners ultimately vote to tax e-cigarette liquid, Ventura said moving his business out of the county and Chicago is "the last thing we'd want to see happen."

"There's really not much we can do at this point except to see what happens and how it's going to affect our customers," he said. "At the end of the day it's our customers who keep us alive."

Lee V. Gaines is a freelance reporter for Pioneer Press.

"But Andrea King, a professor of psychiatry and director of the Clinical Addictions Research Laboratory at the University of Chicago, said only about 5 or 6 percent of e-cigarette users avoid smoking traditional cigarettes altogether."

But Andrea King, just lied directly to your face and knows it since she has surely seen the CDC's statistics.
Actually over 60% of current ecig users have switched entirely from cigarettes to a safer alternative while only 0.4% never smoked but claimed they used ecigs "a couple times per week"

CDC Report on Ecigs.png

Actually this statement would have been correct:

"only about 5 or 6 percent of ALL AMERICANS use e-cigarettes to avoid smoking traditional cigarettes altogether." - 5150

"King said an experienced e-cigarette users' exposure to nicotine "can be two to five times higher than with a regular cigarette."

Wrong again bitch, this statement would have been correct:

"An experienced e-cigarette users' exposure to nicotine is MUCH LOWER than an inexperienced user because most experienced users are using 0.6% Nicotine per volume and down".

We Drip and Subohm Tank Max VG now you dumb bitch what rock have you been hiding under for the last year and a half?
Maybe you should consider slithering back under it - 5150

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