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Potentially dangerous molecules detected in e-cigarette aerosols


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They also said that the free radicals are produced at very high temperatures. They need to state what these temps are. This is partly why TC devices exist. Alot of these "potential dangers" can probably be avoided or greatly reduced by vaping at the safest possible temperatures.


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What the article should have said (just read the damn thing once duh) is this:

Public Health Researcher John Richie Recommends Vaping at Very High Temperatures Because Aerosolized Eliquid Contains One Hundred to One Thousand TIMES LESS Highly Reactive Free Radicals Than Cigarette Smoke.

That's what his research shows. Period. Twisting the headline is pure politics being played by the amateurs at Penn State.

Fuck the "Public Health" lobby and their attacks on vaping.

Another nice find by the great 5150sick.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What the article should have said (just read the damn thing once duh) is this:

Public Health Researcher John Richie Recommends Vaping at Very High Temperatures Because Aerosolized Eliquid Contains One Hundred to One Thousand TIMES LESS Highly Reactive Free Radicals Than Cigarette Smoke.

That's what his research shows. Period. Twisting the headline is pure politics being played by the amateurs at Penn State.

Fuck the "Public Health" lobby and their attacks on vaping.

Another nice find by the great 5150sick.
I wrote for a paper once......the first day the editor told me....every paper writes propoganda ...they spin a story in a direction they want or the supress other stories...


Under Ground Hustler
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Twisting the headline is pure politics being played by the amateurs at Penn State..

Should Read: Twisting the headline is pure politics being played by the Professional Funding Seekers at Penn State.:D


Under Ground Hustler
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What the article should have said (just read the damn thing once duh) is this:

Public Health Researcher John Richie Recommends Vaping at Very High Temperatures Because Aerosolized Eliquid Contains One Hundred to One Thousand TIMES LESS Highly Reactive Free Radicals Than Cigarette Smoke.

That's what his research shows. Period. Twisting the headline is pure politics being played by the amateurs at Penn State.

Fuck the "Public Health" lobby and their attacks on vaping.

Another nice find by the great 5150sick.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Wow the CDC and the rest of these corporate "scientists" are going to extreme lengths to find even the most remote harm from vaping, and yet......they don't even question the idea that vaping may just be a godsend to the public health...they don't let that idea even enter into their heads.


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They don't care about current or ex-smokers; they have already written us off and would prefer we leave this existence as quickly as possible but not before we fatten up the tax coffers of course.

What they fear the most is a re-normalization of smoking even if it is the form of vaping ... it doesn't matter how much less harmful than smoking it is, that is beside the point, they don't want it to be acceptable in any way, shape or form ... period.

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