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Premix flavor - add nicotine level later?

I am new to DIY and just received all my PG, VG, Nicotine and Flavors. I use a 12mg and will soon step down below 10mg; my wife prefers 18mg. We enjoy the same flavors. I wanted to make a large or bulk e juice without nicotine; around 240 ml or so. Then doll it out to our individual 30ml bottles when we need a refill and add the nicotine at that time. Similar to getting a house juice and having the store add the required nicotine. I have 100ml nicotine. I am mixing by weight for my recipes.

Is this a good idea? If so, how do i measure out the correct amount of nicotine for each of nicotine level required?

Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I If so, how do i measure out the correct amount of nicotine for each of nicotine level required?

Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks

Use a Free calculator like ejuice me up.

To me....It's a "good idea" if after adding the nic. at a later date, you steep/age the mix.

"I am a road man for the lords of karma."- Hunter S. Thompson


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dependng on your flavors will determine if you need to steep etc

its a fine idea
if your trying ti make it so you anf the wife can use the same flavor but at different nic levels
that is a perfect idea

now heres the issue
your percentages will no be perfect doing it this way with your pg/vg but itll be close enough you probably wont notice

so usinga calculator setup the recipe for the highest level nic and make it that way with out nic
then when you going to make a 30 ml of say 10mg/ml
you need to add 3ml of nic to the bottle and the rest you rflavor base
you need a 30 m l of 12mg you start by adding 3.6ml of nic then the rest base

OR you could do this

make just a flavor base
so its just teh flavoring
then you have 2options

1. add you nic,pg and vg when you nee dto fill a new bottle
2 mix up a bottle of premixed nic and vg at 10mg/ml and one at 12mg/ml - be sure to calculate how much PG to leav eout of this becuase your flavor base is normally 100% pg- so say your flavors make up 10% of the final mix, and you are oding 50/50 your nic base would be made with 10% less PG then it calls for
then you can add the appropriate amounts of teh flavor mix and which ever premade nic base you need

this way is more accurate to maintain teh correct PG/VG levels

your way messe sup the pg/vg levels but by like less then a percentage point

and your way is abit easier becuase it has less steps

both ways will work, just depends on how you want to do things and how anal you and your wife are about vg/pg percentages
of course if you do max vg or max pg then it wont matter


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I am new to DIY and just received all my PG, VG, Nicotine and Flavors. I use a 12mg and will soon step down below 10mg; my wife prefers 18mg. We enjoy the same flavors. I wanted to make a large or bulk e juice without nicotine; around 240 ml or so. Then doll it out to our individual 30ml bottles when we need a refill and add the nicotine at that time. Similar to getting a house juice and having the store add the required nicotine. I have 100ml nicotine. I am mixing by weight for my recipes.

Is this a good idea? If so, how do i measure out the correct amount of nicotine for each of nicotine level required?

Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks
Im lazy as fuck and over the years I do this all the time make up a liter of premixed juice then just vape it till Im sick of it and adjust my Nic at times... I hover between 6-8 so this is a fucking great idea.

Teresa P

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Make it all at your lower nic level, just add 6% to hers when she needs it. ;)


I forgot
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Member For 4 Years
Another option would just be to make the entire batch as 10ml nic.
When you need to fill her bottle, just add nic to hers.
Yes, this will make the percentage off but by so little you won't taste the difference.
As for how much of what to add, I agree with using any online calculator as @RonJS mentioned.
It's just a thought.

edit:Looks as if I was a bit slow on this.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am new to DIY and just received all my PG, VG, Nicotine and Flavors. I use a 12mg and will soon step down below 10mg; my wife prefers 18mg. We enjoy the same flavors. I wanted to make a large or bulk e juice without nicotine; around 240 ml or so. Then doll it out to our individual 30ml bottles when we need a refill and add the nicotine at that time. Similar to getting a house juice and having the store add the required nicotine. I have 100ml nicotine. I am mixing by weight for my recipes.

Is this a good idea? If so, how do i measure out the correct amount of nicotine for each of nicotine level required?

Any help or suggestions would be most appreciated. Thanks
i am nearly 0 nic most days,,,,,,,,,so i dose my nic when i want/point of use. now i am not real picky so it doesnt matter for me. but since you are mixing for 2 you need to calc a system that works for both of you. (hopefully you both wont be too picky and able to work your dose down=more flavor)

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