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Public Housing Ban on Smoking May Include E-Cigarettes


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I was just about to post about this....

Ok, so the government wants to ban smoking in Public Housing. Sounds good, right? Well, for us vapors, it may not be. I live in public housing. And here in NYC (and the neighboring state of NJ), vaping isnt allowed where smoking is banned. So if you -like me- live in a city or state where "No smoking" includes vaping, well we're screwed! Imagine not being able to vape in your own home....

Well, here in NYC youre not suppose to smoke in hallways, lobbies, stairwells and Elevators. But the smokers do it anyway and its almost never enforced. But now that they want to include our own apartments, and put the clause in the lease, one can be evicted for any of that. and depending on the city, that includes vaping. Smokers are already in an uproar. Where's our voices on this? We as a community fight for our vaping rights. Well, this "attack on smokers" will affect millions of us vapers too!

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