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Que the Music


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away...
Oh wait sorry you know that 1 already I bet.Fine fine I'll tell you mine.It's no where as good as that 1.It doesn't have any C.G.I. or special effects either so lets just start over.

First off I bet you've guessed my real name isn't Snake.But it might as well be considering it's a family nick-name that just stuck* .My dad actually gave me my first cigarette at age 10.I started smoking regularly at age 12 yes you saw that right 12.Well I went through all the stages of smoking until hitting a 2 pack a day habit.I was a coughing wheezing mess but I didn't care.I was happy & I thought I was pretty healthy as well.For being my age & no I won't tell exactly how old.Also about I'm about 20 years out of shape but that's a different story.Then somewhere about 2+ yyears back I woke up 1 day coughing & wheezing as usual.Then I saw what I had coughed up into the toilet.Black gunk with specks of blood in in it.At that point I knew it was time to say goodbye to smoking.So I switched to using Snus which was recommended to me by a friend.However that Snus stuff has quite a bit of salt in it.Which isn't good for my health either.Plus it is still just tobacco but a slightly different form.Which is what I wanted to get away from.So here I am now with over 2+ years of vaping and it seems to me it's still the best thing ever me at least.Plus it comes in all kinds of flavors so that's has helped me cut down on snacking between meals so much.Which has been helpful because I've dropped a few pounds & that has helped with my high blood pressure.I'm telling you folks I can not wait for my next check so I can get even more of this wonderful stuff that has changed my life forever.

*My mother claimed I was more cold hearted than a snake.So of course she started calling me snake.Then my bothers started calling me snake.Then my friends & acquaintances then1 day I realized I was really was Snake.And now only 1 person knows my real name my wife & she giggled when I told her.
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Obsessive? Who me?
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Welcome to the VU!! Congrats on quitting the cigs, keep up the good work!

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