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Question about mods and my current vape

So i have some questions about the different mods that are available.

right now i use the eleaf iJust S, i know it's a basic model but it gives good vapor production and a good taste.

So my question is just what kind of diffrent result can i expect from a more advanced mod ? Is it still somewhat easy to just fill it up and vape away. Or will i be overwhelmed by all the settings.

Also what kind of money should i drop on a good one to make sure i have my money well invested in something i can use over a longer period of time.

And the coils, do you have to build your own. Or can you buy. and if you buy them is it really expensive.

Thanks for any help.

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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Member For 3 Years
So i have some questions about the different mods that are available.

right now i use the eleaf iJust S, i know it's a basic model but it gives good vapor production and a good taste.

So my question is just what kind of diffrent result can i expect from a more advanced mod ? Is it still somewhat easy to just fill it up and vape away. Or will i be overwhelmed by all the settings.

Also what kind of money should i drop on a good one to make sure i have my money well invested in something i can use over a longer period of time.

And the coils, do you have to build your own. Or can you buy. and if you buy them is it really expensive.

Thanks for any help.

Vape on

1) advanced mods can give you more power for lower builds hence more flavor and vapor, but it depends more on the tank then the mod itself. they also allow temp control where you won't get dry hits and can dial in your vape how you want it. where in power mode the vape gets hotter the longer you hit. Most aren't hard to use at all. DNA mods are the hardest and most expensive but they are really nice in TC. FSK mods are the sweet spot IMO. small learning curve, excellent performance, good price point

2) great mods can easily be had for under 100. i never spent more then 90 bucks on a mod and i have plenty of great ones. not sure your budget but 60 bucks is usually enough to get a really good mod. but again invest in a good tank too

3) either one. you can buy a tank with premade coils or you can but an RTA or RDA to make your own. lots of tanks have both options available which is nice since you can make your own or if you are feeling lazy pop in a premade one

for mods
Hohm Wrecker G2 (around 60 bucks) above all
other options
smok alien

Clieto (RBA seperate)
TFV4 (RBA seperate buy not a great one)
TFV8 (Includes RBA)
TFV8 Baby beast (RBA seperate)
Freemax Starre Pure (No RBA though)


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Great info from SirRichard. Only thing I would add is if you want to just upgrade to a mod that does not need a separate charger/batteries, I would suggest an Eleaf Ipower 80. Enough power to handle most tanks and some RDTA/RDA's, has built in batteries with great battery life. I have 2, and they are truly awesome for a reasonable price.
I use Tobeco Super Tank Mini's with the .5 coil on top, and the full set up should set you back around $55.00-65.00. Good luck, and welcome to VU.
1) advanced mods can give you more power for lower builds hence more flavor and vapor, but it depends more on the tank then the mod itself. they also allow temp control where you won't get dry hits and can dial in your vape how you want it. where in power mode the vape gets hotter the longer you hit. Most aren't hard to use at all. DNA mods are the hardest and most expensive but they are really nice in TC. FSK mods are the sweet spot IMO. small learning curve, excellent performance, good price point

2) great mods can easily be had for under 100. i never spent more then 90 bucks on a mod and i have plenty of great ones. not sure your budget but 60 bucks is usually enough to get a really good mod. but again invest in a good tank too

3) either one. you can buy a tank with premade coils or you can but an RTA or RDA to make your own. lots of tanks have both options available which is nice since you can make your own or if you are feeling lazy pop in a premade one

for mods
Hohm Wrecker G2 (around 60 bucks) above all
other options
smok alien

Clieto (RBA seperate)
TFV4 (RBA seperate buy not a great one)
TFV8 (Includes RBA)
TFV8 Baby beast (RBA seperate)
Freemax Starre Pure (No RBA though)

Thank you for the amazing answer, you are a hero without cape.

So im a bit limited since i live in sweden, and really dont wanna pay alot for shipping or wait weeks untill it arrives. So i tried to look some up which you might be able to help me with ?

i've seen the alien mods in many stores models like (100$) or Smok H-Priv Starter Kit (220W, TC) (85$ / 66 $ with out the start kit)

Should i just invest in one of thoose right away, or should i buy something like eLeaf iPower TC 5000mAh (52$) , WISMEC Reuleaux RX2/3 (73$) , Joyetech CUBOID. (52$)

since the later ones cost around 50-30 % less then the alien models. So is there a huge difference, or is it just branding and looks which makes the alien pricer ?

If it helps here are the best sites, im not sure you can make any sense of them since they are in swedish. but the products are all listed below and you might see something you can recommend.

i don't have a limited budget, i just want a good mod and tank which will keep me happy for a while. i rather pay 100-200 and get a really good vape then less then 100 and get an okay one.

sorry for my questions you dont have to answer if you dont feel like it. i just want to make sure i get the right stuff since its alot to keep track of.

Big thanks to you
Great info from SirRichard. Only thing I would add is if you want to just upgrade to a mod that does not need a separate charger/batteries, I would suggest an Eleaf Ipower 80. Enough power to handle most tanks and some RDTA/RDA's, has built in batteries with great battery life. I have 2, and they are truly awesome for a reasonable price.
I use Tobeco Super Tank Mini's with the .5 coil on top, and the full set up should set you back around $55.00-65.00. Good luck, and welcome to VU.

Yes i have seen thoose aswell for around 50$. And with the built in battery it saves alot of money instead of adding batteries to the cost


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Thank you for the amazing answer, you are a hero without cape.

So im a bit limited since i live in sweden, and really dont wanna pay alot for shipping or wait weeks untill it arrives. So i tried to look some up which you might be able to help me with ?

i've seen the alien mods in many stores models like (100$) or Smok H-Priv Starter Kit (220W, TC) (85$ / 66 $ with out the start kit)

Should i just invest in one of thoose right away, or should i buy something like eLeaf iPower TC 5000mAh (52$) , WISMEC Reuleaux RX2/3 (73$) , Joyetech CUBOID. (52$)

since the later ones cost around 50-30 % less then the alien models. So is there a huge difference, or is it just branding and looks which makes the alien pricer ?

If it helps here are the best sites, im not sure you can make any sense of them since they are in swedish. but the products are all listed below and you might see something you can recommend.

i don't have a limited budget, i just want a good mod and tank which will keep me happy for a while. i rather pay 100-200 and get a really good vape then less then 100 and get an okay one.

sorry for my questions you dont have to answer if you dont feel like it. i just want to make sure i get the right stuff since its alot to keep track of.

Big thanks to you
holy shit your pricing is high :( that sucks

alien kit is really nice, but so is the H-priv. it's a little older then the alien but a good mod and performance should be about the same. and it's still a nice looking mod. 66 isn't terrible price for it either based on the other options. that might be the sweet spot for you. I'm not a fan of the RX or cubiod, i never recommend them. some love them but they have QC issues worse then any other mods. alot of people come here with RX issues more then any mod and 2nd is the cubiod. the ipower isn't bad since it's cheaper then the rest and has a built in battery which will save you some money but I'd pay the little extra for the H-priv personally then buy a separate tank. also make sure you get batteries for the mod. it's a dual 18650 mod. samsung 30q or 25 / LG HG2 or HE4 and an external charger. for tanks the ones i listed above are all great choices. the TFV8 is the best tank on the market by far and comes with the RBA deck. they cost about 30 bucks here. not sure how that relates to your money lol. but it eats up juice and battery. i use mine normally at 130 watts.
holy shit your pricing is high :( that sucks

alien kit is really nice, but so is the H-priv. it's a little older then the alien but a good mod and performance should be about the same. and it's still a nice looking mod. 66 isn't terrible price for it either based on the other options. that might be the sweet spot for you. I'm not a fan of the RX or cubiod, i never recommend them. some love them but they have QC issues worse then any other mods. alot of people come here with RX issues more then any mod and 2nd is the cubiod. the ipower isn't bad since it's cheaper then the rest and has a built in battery which will save you some money but I'd pay the little extra for the H-priv personally then buy a separate tank. also make sure you get batteries for the mod. it's a dual 18650 mod. samsung 30q or 25 / LG HG2 or HE4 and an external charger. for tanks the ones i listed above are all great choices. the TFV8 is the best tank on the market by far and comes with the RBA deck. they cost about 30 bucks here. not sure how that relates to your money lol. but it eats up juice and battery. i use mine normally at 130 watts.

Swedens pricing is always wonky, they add so much tax on everyhing ..

Maybe i should just order it from here

Free shipping and then wait untill it arrives.

i cant also get the tfv8 tank from there for 29+ 7 $ shipping. Only thing i cant seem to find on the site is batteries, but they i should be able to get them in a local shop

even sites like fasttech has them

Never mind out of stock on fasttech
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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Yeah your pricing is double what it should be. For Batts not sure if they ship over seas but and

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Coils determine clouds / vapor. Buying them is easier, making them is cheaper. (after you learn how). I have about 800 feet of wire in a box beside me. Cost me about $75. But I bought 250ft spools. That will last me a long time. The 32ga stainless steel, will not last a long time. I'm learning to wrap claptons, so I expect to waste a lot of wire to start. But.. some claptons I have seen, sell for $15 each! That will buy a lot of wire!

So learn to build, start simple. Work your way up from there. Single core claptons are pretty easy. Youtube is a great resource for how to build coils.

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