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Question about my Drip setup.


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I just ordered about a week ago my first drip build. Very new to the rebuildable side of vaping thus I wanted to start with a clone from Fasttech, to see how I feel about dripping and after I get the hang on rebuilding I want to purchase a authentic one.

The set up I ordered is:

Plume Veil V1.5
Nemesis Mod
2x Authentic Samsung ICR18650-26F 18650 3.7V 2600mAh
5x 26g Hive Coils (Rated at 0.1-0.2 Ohms from Tradion Vapes)

Is this a safe build to be running? and how will the vapor production be from it?


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I would make sure to get different batteries. ICR batteries are okay to use in regulated mods that don't require a lot of amps. But for mechanical mods I would recommend high drain IMR batteries such as the Sony VTC series of batteries, the LG HE4'S, and Samsung 25R batteries.


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I would make sure to get different batteries. ICR batteries are okay to use in regulated mods that don't require a lot of amps. But for mechanical mods I would recommend high drain IMR batteries such as the Sony VTC series of batteries, the LG HE4'S, and Samsung 25R batteries.

My current set up has 2 18650 2500mAh batteries (Like brand new) and there the same a local vape store sold to a friend who is running a drip set up (AR with Mutation) and they work well, should I put these Samsung batteries in my Sigelei 150W and use these other batteries in the Nemesis?


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Do you know what kind of batteries they are. Like the amp raring on them?


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Sadly, after looking around on google, I've found that, for the most part, there is no way to calculate the max discharge and this is something most companies will let you know on the packaging or online. I don't want to accept this as an answer, as I would like to be able to figure this out myself, but for now that's all I got.

In the meantime, batteries are SO CHEAP I would just go out, get you some IMR's and call it a day. Obviously Sony and Samsung are the hot thing these days, but I use eFest and haven't ever had any issues with them. Not to mention Sony burnt down their VTC5 factory so I would stay away from them for the time being since most that you will find are actually relabels of other brands...FAKE!

Go get yourself a couple 3 packs online, here's a link to what I've been using:

Hope this helps!

Mike H.

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A .10 or .20 ohm build ( in a single battery mech mod) should use a 30 amp continuous discharge battery such as the Sony VTC4.

With a .20 ohm load you have a 27 amp load on the battery and are pushing the limits of a 30 amp battery but unfortunately its the best we have and what we NEED to use to be somewhat safe. (On a mech mod with a single battery at .20 ohm.)

I dont know what a samsung 26f is but ,im most certain its not a 30 amp battery and it may not even be 20 amps..i WILL look it up to find out however.

I use a nemesis also as well as other tube mechs with a samsung 25R battery (20 amps) but, i dont go below .45 ohm coil build with it...I wouldnt recommend a low ohm build unless you have the "PROPER" batteries to use with it and that would be Sony VTC3 or VTC4's

PLEASE dont go by what it says on the wrapper...there are no 18650 cells known today to exceed 30 amp continuous...which is the IMPORTANT number here..not the "burst" rating
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A .10 or .20 ohm build ( in a single battery mech mod) should use a 30 amp continuous discharge battery such as the Sony VTC4.

With a .20 ohm load you have a 27 amp load on the battery and are pushing the limits of a 30 amp battery but unfortunately its the best we have and what we NEED to use to be somewhat safe. (On a mech mod with a single battery at .20 ohm.)

I dont know what a samsung 26f is but ,im most certain its not a 30 amp battery and it may not even be 20 amps..i WILL look it up to find out however.

I use a nemesis also as well as other tube mechs with a samsung 25R battery (20 amps) but, i dont go below .45 ohm coil build with it...I wouldnt recommend a low ohm build unless you have the "PROPER" batteries to use with it and that would be Sony VTC3 or VTC4's

PLEASE dont go by what it says on the wrapper...there are no 18650 cells known today to exceed 30 amp continuous...which is the IMPORTANT number here..not the "burst" rating

So what exactly would happen if I did fire and use this? As in with the current battery I have.


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Well, it could work just fine since we don't know the discharge rating for certain. Or it could get super hot, swell up, and catch on fire either almost instantly or after a little bit of use. Either way, when it comes to mech mods and sub-ohming, you always want to know what your battery's limits are. That's why the battery is always the biggest piece of the puzzle, and with how close in price they all are there really isn't any reason to skimp on battery selection.


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I had a catastrophic battery failure in a mech mod. It was insane. Seriously, spend the $15 and get a reliable battery, it's not worth the risk involved. On a lighter note: congrats on the new setup! :p

Mike H.

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Ive seen someone say the 26f is 5.2 amps and this company says not to use them in anything with more than 15 to answer this i would say huge huge mistake to use those in your mech mod...Get some sony vtc4's... ..and i was mistaken about 27 amps at .20 ohms...its 21 ,some safety margin there with that...

Mike H.

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So what exactly would happen if I did fire and use this? As in with the current battery I have.

Possibly they vent causing severe burns to your hands or face...possibly can catch fire..possibly, if you dont have good ventilation in your mod cause it to blow up like a small pipe bomb.

Just get some sony vtc4's especially at .20 ohms and if you care to have any safety at all dont go below .20 pretty much.


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Thanks for all the help everyone, One last question. So If I order the Sony batteries, what exactly would these Samsung batteries be of use for? Would they be fine to run in my Sigielei 150?

Mike H.

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Flashlight maybe.

Check out for some sonys...they have vtc3 (30 amp) batteries (1600mah) for 5 dollars a piece but they are low MAH rating batteries..vtc4's are your best alternative at 2100mah....either one will work fine however.

Mike H.

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I use samsung 25r batteries in my mech mods but i dont build low ohm coils...for anything below .45 i have some sony vtc4's ready to go.


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Thanks for all your help man! Ima use them for maybe a high resistance build, idk they might come in use later down the road.

Mike H.

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Consider a high resistance build @ 1.2 ohm or higher on your nemesis with those batteries and you should be would draw 3.5 amps and make 14.7 watts which would be as far as you would want to push it on those samsung 26f cells.

Enjoy your new gear.

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