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Question About Ohm's Law


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Hey guys, I just got an Alien 220w TC regulated box a week ago and I've been enjoying it highly. It came with the TFV8 Baby Beast and a .4 ohm coil installed and a T8 X4 .15 ohm coil in the package. I was vaping up to 80 watts on the .4 ohm coil with my OLED screen not showing above 19A. I thought I might like to try the .15 ohm coil but I wasn't sure if my Sony VTC6s could handle it (rated 3.7 nominal, 3000 mah, 19A). I started off low at 60 and worked my way up. I'm sitting at 100w right now and I'm still not sure if this is safe but this is my understanding of the specifics:

If I have two 3.7v nominal 20A batteries in series, from what I understand, I can technically run 100w+ even if my OLED screen displays amps far higher than my battery rating and a voltage that doesn't equal the series voltage. This happens because the amp draw to the CPU is different than the amp draw from the batteries themselves. That being said, 7.4v at 100w is approximately 12.5a from my understanding of series, meaning my 19A batteries are well within their defined limits. Essentially, I want to know if my display is accurately showing me the power information or if it's showing just the CPU's side of the equation. This will help me understand if I can truly push 100w with these batteries.

Please, correct me if I'm wrong here. Anyone with more experience or knowledge than me would be a big help in case I don't understand this clearly. I don't want to lose a hand for phat clouds.


Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The amp number on the screen is the coil current, not the battery current. You're correct about determining battery current. Watt setting divided by total battery voltage gives battery current.


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ECF Refugee
(Watts/lowest battery voltage)/90%=actual amps the batteries are supplying.
Dual battery the formula would be this
Watts/6.4/0.9=max amps

Sent from my iPod touch using Tapatalk


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Alright, so I'm totally fine using a pair of Sony VTC6s at 100w since my mod's cut-off is 3.2v. Thanks a bunch guys, I was pretty sure but I still needed some feedback to be positive.

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