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Rainbow Friendship Puke


I drink and I know things
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This is dedicated to a bronie I met in a chat room.

Get ready to pour out a mug of bittersweet cocoa for all your fallen Bronies, because now you can have it in vape form! A lot of the ingredients in the recipes are used to balance each other out, not for the their specified flavor. Main Profile : The Ry4 Double(TPA) is a good counterweight to the Cocoa(FA) to a more well rounded cocoa drink flavor, while the Coconut(INW) I use to off set the Ry4 tobacco flavor. Sub flavor profile: The Bavarian Cream(TFA) and Catalan Cream(FA) are used together to create a heavy whipping cream taste without over sweetening the mix. Sweeteners: The main and sub flavor make for a very heavy vape, allowing the Cookie(FA) to add a little bite without giving a cookie flavor, and paired with Honeysuckle(TPA) gives a nice light sweetness. Steep Time: Pretty dark shake and vape but still decent. Recommend atleast 4-7 days steep. If you like a sweeter lighter cocoa, raise the Bavarian cream by .5% and sucralose(or sweetener of your choice) to taste. Enjoy!

(TPA) Bavarian Cream 1.2%
(FA) Catalan Cream 1.3%
(FA) Cocoa 1.6%
(INW) Coconut 1.8%
(FA) Cookie 0.75%
(TPA) Honeysuckle (pg) 2.2%
(TPA) Ry4 Double 3%


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