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Rda on regulated mod


Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
so i am brand new to rdas and i don’t know what watts I need to hit them at , my rda is comming in today and i have some prebuilt coils comming to (.36, .45 , .85 and .5 ) if I put two .5 ohm coils in does it make it 1 ohm or .25 ohms and how do I figure out what watts to hit them at or is there a calculator of some sort


VU Donator
Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dual coil set up will ohm out around .25 with 2 .5 coils. Which RDA did you end up with? It's going to be trial and error to find out what wattage works best for you. Might try to start at 60 watts or so and up the wattage until you find a satisfying vape. Good luck, and welcome to VU.


Platinum Contributor
ECF Refugee
Member For 5 Years
I ended up getting the dead rabbit
Great choice. Start with low watts, and gradually turn it up until the vape feels just right for you... go back down a notch if necessary, and, you can repeat the whole process with different airflow adjustments to see what you like. (Less airflow typically means start with lower watts).


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Like what others said
Start Low... adjust to your liking...


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