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rDNA40 topped with a Russian 91% tank spits juice

My rDNA40 topped with a Russian 91% tank spits juice up into the drip tip and then into my mouth, it also has juice between the tank and the rDNA40. There is juice on both components. Is this the result of not enough wick? It isn't flooding and it vapes great but I have to clean out the drip tip and wipe down the bottom of the tank and the top of the APV daily. Is this just the way it is or is it correctable?

On another note, I recently had to send my rDNA40 back after only 1.5 months because the board failed due to juice on the PCB. They charged me $25. to replace the board. These devices do not have a seal between the 510 connector and the inside of the device. Shouldn't they?



Gold Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The spitting can probably be cured with a different build/wicking. The leaking can be cured, regardless of what's causing it, by getting a kayfun 3.1. The kayfun lite and russian are almost identical, but the kayfun 3.1 has an additional bottom cap that collects any leaking or condensation. With my kayfun 3.1 I get zero external leaking, but when I pull off the bottom cap there's usually a little bit of juice and condensation in there. That liquid would have ended up on my mod if it was a kayfun lite or russian. Just a thought.
Life gets crazy sometimes, sorry I didn't reply earlier. Is it not possible to stop the Russian or the Kayfun lite from leaking? These are both pretty popular, there must be people using them without the leaking issues. How would I do the build differently to stop the leaking, more or less wick? Move the coil closer to the hole or farther away? I don't think there are any other options???



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
ECF Refugee
popular when 2 years ago ya they were.
Now? not so much. many better options at a fraction of the price.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yes, look into making a cotton naval nest wick build. Google it.

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