The firmware has been released and works exactly the same as the 250c.
I vape around 45W and have identical tanks, running Replay on either the 75c or the 250c produces the same vape. Well, I do have two different flavors in the tanks.
Grab the International version for Replay ability.
Mind the notes:
Replay (International Edition only). To use Replay:
(1) Apply the Service Pack.
(2) Choose a profile to put Replay on. Check "Use Replay on this profile", and name it how you like. (For most people, the easiest way to use Replay is to choose a profile whose material is Watts.)
(3) Load on a theme with Replay support. (The default theme has Replay support. Go to the Theme tab and click Default Theme, and upload.)
I vape around 45W and have identical tanks, running Replay on either the 75c or the 250c produces the same vape. Well, I do have two different flavors in the tanks.
Grab the International version for Replay ability.
Mind the notes:
Replay (International Edition only). To use Replay:
(1) Apply the Service Pack.
(2) Choose a profile to put Replay on. Check "Use Replay on this profile", and name it how you like. (For most people, the easiest way to use Replay is to choose a profile whose material is Watts.)
(3) Load on a theme with Replay support. (The default theme has Replay support. Go to the Theme tab and click Default Theme, and upload.)