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Restore voting rights to felons


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I'm curious as to what your thoughts are on this. It's been brought up a few times in the media and I am curious. If a person has done their time, paid their debt to society and repatriated into society, should they have their civil rights restored, including the right to vote? Should they forever be excluded from the democratic process?

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Nope, because where do we draw that line...Why should nonviolent criminals have more rights than violent ones?


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As far as I know, the only ones mentioned that may not have a right to vote are those convicted of crimes involving "moral turpitude". But considering that pretty much anyone who registers to vote is allowed to vote, I really can't see any reason why an ex-felon shouldn't register to vote.

Just remember.... if voting really did any good, they wouldn't let us do it at all.



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I was convicted of a violent crime and can't get my voting rights back without a pardon from the governor. KY, VA, IA and FL are the only 4 states that require this.


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Maine and Vermont allow people who are actually incarcerated in prison to vote absentee by mail.


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Being a part of society is incumbent on the acceptance of a social contract. When a person commits an offense that our elected legislators have deemed so serious it constitutes a felony that person has violated that contract. Yes, the felon should be able to come back and work, live their life and contribute. They should also lose some of the privilege like voting, being able to take a part in the legal process by serving on juries et cetera. There is no such thing as an ex-felon. There are just ex-convicts. Once a felon, always a felon.

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These increasingly-rare lifelong bans (as mentioned, they're still only around in a few states) seem a bit over the top. I believe that the corrections process (there's a reason it's called that) can work - not always, but it can. Do your time, get out, serve out your parole/probation period proving that you've learned a lesson and it's stuck. Kept your nose clean long enough to complete probation/parole? I think you deserve to get your life back.


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I can't seem to find mine either. Lol.


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Im a felon, i cannot vote. really dont give a shit about voting anyway my life goes by unchanged regardless of what new laws are passed... guess thats why in a felon...

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Last time I checked illegals can't vote nor should they be able to.

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Last time I checked illegals can't vote nor should they be able to.

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At least, not in states that require ID. Anyone can vote in states that don't require ID. All they need is a name of a registered voter, dead or alive.
Being a part of society is incumbent on the acceptance of a social contract. When a person commits an offense that our elected legislators have deemed so serious it constitutes a felony that person has violated that contract. Yes, the felon should be able to come back and work, live their life and contribute. They should also lose some of the privilege like voting, being able to take a part in the legal process by serving on juries et cetera. There is no such thing as an ex-felon. There are just ex-convicts. Once a felon, always a felon.

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You're an idiot no question about it. You shouldn't be allowed to breath.

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You're an idiot no question about it. You shouldn't be allowed to breath.

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I shouldn't be allowed to breathe because I think felons should be stripped of some of the privilege of living in a free society because they didn't want to play by the rules? That escalated quickly.


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I shouldn't be allowed to breathe because I think felons should be stripped of some of the privilege of living in a free society because they didn't want to play by the rules? That escalated quickly.

You seem to think that because someone breaks a law and gets punished, they become forever 2nd class humans. It doesn't work that way.



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You seem to think that because someone breaks a law and gets punished, they become forever 2nd class humans. It doesn't work that way.


I don't think felons are 2nd class humans. 2nd class citizens however.... The great state of Texas (where I reside) seems to agree with me.


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Less damage if dead people vote.
Felons,, you blew it. Live with it..


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I don't think felons are 2nd class humans. 2nd class citizens however.... The great state of Texas (where I reside) seems to agree with me.

Felons are not 2nd class citizens either, once they have paid their debt to society. They become regular citizens again. Unless someone is a murderer doing life without parole, there is rehabilitation. Unless they PROVE that they are not rehabilitated, but are recidivists.



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I don't think felons are 2nd class humans. 2nd class citizens however.... The great state of Texas (where I reside) seems to agree with me.
Somebody needs to put felons down because they can't feel good or worth anything without doing so

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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Somebody needs to put felons down because they can't feel good or worth anything without doing so

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I guess so. I think they could really use a walk in someone else's moccasins.

A total lack of empathy or compassion for fellow human beings usually indicates that one is a sociopath, and lots of them go to jail, so they just might get that walk.



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No sweetie, my job is to put felons in jail. Empathy? You don't just accidentally commit a felony. You intend to commit a felony. I see no need to have empathy for someone who put themselves in that type of predicament of their own volition.

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Well, no that's not necessarily true.
But I wish ya the best in getting over having yer lunch money taken in 7th grade.

Please explain to me how one would accidentally get charged with a felony? Being in the same car as an 8 ball of c*caine "but it isn't mine", "these aren't my pants", "in didn't know those were there" "I swear on my mothers grave sir!"


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Please explain to me how one would accidentally get charged with a felony? Being in the same car as an 8 ball of c*caine "but it isn't mine", "these aren't my pants", "in didn't know those were there" "I swear on my mothers grave sir!"

LOL. Are you really claiming that nobody has ever been innocent?

There is a reason the government hires those with low intellect to "enforce" laws.


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Wanna post up your contract? I didn't seem to get a copy and I certainly didn't sign one.
For real. If I signed a contract I want to sue the government for a breach!

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There is a reason the government hires those with low intellect to "enforce" laws.[/QUOTE]

well put!

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Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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I'm nobody's sweetie but my husband's, so take your patronizing attitude and stick it up your ass.



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A VAST majority of NON-Felons don't even bother to vote. What makes anyone think that a vast majority of felons will even vote given the opportunity to. I say let any citizen (except those convicted of voter fraud) who has the inclination to actually vote do so. I also find no issue with requiring a valid state issued ID to prove (voter suppression my ass) who you are when you do go vote. Why should people even be able to fraudulently vote?


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people make mistakes,people get forced into bad situations for a variety of reasons it happens....but then there is a class of people that are either carrerr felons or habitual felons, and putting them on the same plain as a reformed felon doesn't work.....if you are habitually returning to prison it's probablly not a good idea that you vote.


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LOL. Are you really claiming that nobody has ever been innocent?

There is a reason the government hires those with low intellect to "enforce" laws.

You're absolutely right. My bachelors degree, advanced peace officer license, 3,000+ CE hours and 12 years of experience are all indicative of a low intellect.

I've never thrown somebody in jail unless I had probable cause to do so. If I had a nickel for every time one of my "customers" told me that they were innocent...... Well I wouldn't need to go out and work anymore.


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Well, no that's not necessarily true.
But I wish ya the best in getting over having yer lunch money taken in 7th grade.

Har de har har. Actually I am and always have been of the finish the fight, not start them mentality. But you go on feeling better for yourself.


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Felons are not 2nd class citizens either, once they have paid their debt to society. They become regular citizens again. Unless someone is a murderer doing life without parole, there is rehabilitation. Unless they PROVE that they are not rehabilitated, but are recidivists.


In the great state of Texas they lose the ability to vote, sit on juries, benefit from certain financial aid programs, possess firearms, live in certain housing, et cetera. Texas also requires photo ID to vote. Just in case some deadbeat can't afford the whole whopping $11 it costs to obtain a photo ID.... One can obtain a photo voter ID from the state police at no charge. Voter suppression my ass.


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You're absolutely right. My bachelors degree, advanced peace officer license, 3,000+ CE hours and 12 years of experience are all indicative of a low intellect.

I've never thrown somebody in jail unless I had probable cause to do so. If I had a nickel for every time one of my "customers" told me that they were innocent...... Well I wouldn't need to go out and work anymore.

Pfffft. A trained monkey is just a trained monkey. It doesn't make it Einstein. But, I can understand how the monkey would think it is Einstein, it isn't intelligent enough to know the difference.


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Pfffft. A trained monkey is just a trained monkey. It doesn't make it Einstein. But, I can understand how the monkey would think it is Einstein, it isn't intelligent enough to know the difference.

At this point we've all made our minds up and have crawled to whatever side of the fence we are going to proverbially sit in regards to this issue. You're just trolling at this point. Have a good one. You keep on advocating for criminals and I'll keep throwing them in jail with an eye for getting them sent to prison.

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At this point we've all made our minds up and have crawled to whatever side of the fence we are going to proverbially sit in regards to this issue. You're just trolling at this point. Have a good one. You keep on advocating for criminals and I'll keep throwing them in jail with an eye for getting them sent to prison.
thank you for what you do.
nobody likes a cop, until they need one.


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I'm nobody's sweetie but my husband's, so take your patronizing attitude and stick it up your ass.


I wasn't the one insinuating that you were a "sociopath". Name callers get called names.

Hugs and Kisses,


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At this point we've all made our minds up and have crawled to whatever side of the fence we are going to proverbially sit in regards to this issue. You're just trolling at this point. Have a good one. You keep on advocating for criminals and I'll keep throwing them in jail with an eye for getting them sent to prison.

Heh. The problem is, while you prop up the "great" state of Texas as having the better policy, the state actually doesn't fair well compared to mine where felons can vote, sit on a jury and etc. Once they are no longer under court supervision.

Texas crime rate per 1,000 residence for violent crime is above the national median of 3.8 at 4.06 and sits at 34.25 for all crime.

Idaho crime rate per 1,000 residence for violent crime is below the national median of 3.8 at 2.12(1/2 of Texas) and sits at 20.67 for all crime.

So, what you call "advocating for criminals" I call advocating for a safer general public. It's just plain common sense that a criminal with nothing to gain has nothing to lose. Restoring basic rights just makes sense in the grand scheme of things. But, you where trained to know better. ;)


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Heh. The problem is, while you prop up the "great" state of Texas as having the better policy, the state actually doesn't fair well compared to mine where felons can vote, sit on a jury and etc. Once they are no longer under court supervision.

Texas crime rate per 1,000 residence for violent crime is above the national median of 3.8 at 4.06 and sits at 34.25 for all crime.

Idaho crime rate per 1,000 residence for violent crime is below the national median of 3.8 at 2.12(1/2 of Texas) and sits at 20.67 for all crime.

So, what you call "advocating for criminals" I call advocating for a safer general public. It's just plain common sense that a criminal with nothing to gain has nothing to lose. Restoring basic rights just makes sense in the grand scheme of things. But, you where trained to know better. ;)

There are tons of socio economic factors that are in play in regards to the crime rates in Texas and Idaho being what they are, and the manner in which our respective states treat felons is only one of those factors. We can get statistics to say or support whatever we want.
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There are tons of socio economic factors that are in play in regards to the crime rates in Texas and Idaho being what they are and the manner in which our respective states treat felons is only one of those factors. We can get statistics to say or support whatever we want.

I just knew you'd go there but sure, compare them as far as you'd like economically. The standard economically seems to be that poor people tend to be more prone to crime. Maybe Idaho is richer than Texas.


BOISE - Idaho has the worst wages in the nation.

The Famous Potatoes state ranks 50th for average annual wage, per-capita income, and for wage increases since 2007. It also has the greatest percentage of minimum-wage workers in America.

So, we don't have an economic advantage. You can dig deeper if you'd like. Texas has been the economic leader of the country, Idaho not so much. And they are both Red states.

But, they are different socially. I mean, we don't really have 2nd class citizens here. We have some garbage, for sure. But apparently, many that make mistakes are not condemned to life of 2nd class citizen once they've made amends. Paid their debt, so to speak. So yeah, we do have some social advantages over Texas. :)


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Texas is no doubt an economic powerhouse. We've been fortunate for quite some time in that regard. Texas is also home to some of the poorest and most undereducated counties in the country. That is especially true in my corner of the state (Deep South).

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