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RTA With Pre-Built Coils


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Hey All,

I have a question about RTAs (i beleive that is what they are called). Any advice/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

I currently have a Kangertech Subvod device. This is a sub-ohm pen style device with a Toptank Nano.
I am looking to upgrade this unit and would like your suggestions.

I am looking for a tank that will be an improvement but will also have options. I like the idea of being able to build my own coils but would also like to be able to just throw in a pre-built coil.

I am aware of a SMOK TFV8 and love the fact that there are premade coils that i can get but also, a "thing" that allows me to make my own coils. I really like that idea.

In short, my question is, are there other options like the TFV8 out there? Any suggustions?

My biggest issue with the TFV8 is the size...It is about twice the size of what i am used to but that may be OK since i will still have the subvod for portability.

Thank you!


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A Kanger Subtank will do what you want.

You can use prebuilt coil heads or use the included RBA to build your own coils.

BTW, making your own coils is very easy especially since there are some very nice coil jigs on the market now that require ZERO skill to use!

Me, I use an old nail and fingernail clippers.

My favorite RTA is the Merlin. Super easy to install a coil on that one and a coil with proper care will last a month or more if I remove the old wick and do a dry burn every two tanks.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Subtank is more of an entry level sub tank and it's RBA deck is tiny.

Another option is the TFV4, not as scary as the TFV8 but still not half bad and with a better build deck then the Subtank.


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Subtank is more of an entry level sub tank and it's RBA deck is tiny.

Another option is the TFV4, not as scary as the TFV8 but still not half bad and with a better build deck then the Subtank.

Yes,the Subtank is very entry level. While the RBA deck is indeed small, I find it very easy to build on even with my ham hands and sausage fingers!


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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A build deck being too small is not just harder to build on, it's also about not having enough space for vapor to be produced and not being able to fit a big coil/dual coils.


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Hey guys,
Thank you for your comments.
I appreciate it! I'm going to look at the suggestions.

Next up is figuring out a mod for it. Wish me luck!

Waffle Baron

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Member For 3 Years
I find it very easy to build on

I have the Kangertech Toptank and the TFV8... I use the Toptank way more and the only reason is it uses about a gallon less juice a week than the SMOK (exaggeration of course) But my SMOK tanks drink ejuice like it is going out of style.

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