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School pupils 'exposed to e-cigarettes'


Under Ground Hustler
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"The Scottish government-commissioned survey found 60% of pupils questioned had seen e-cigarettes for sale in shops, shopping centres or stalls.

About a quarter (26%) had seen outdoor poster adverts.

And 23% of the 2,016 11 to 18-year-olds questioned had seen or heard adverts on TV or radio in the past week.

Although 16% had used an e-cigarette, most had only tried them "once or twice", the survey found.

Only 5% of pupils who had never smoked tobacco had tried e-cigarettes. Curiosity was the main driver for use, sometimes motivated by seeing a friend or family member trying them, the report found."

So actually these kids haven't been exposed to shit except they have "heard of" vaping.
It would be stupid to try to control what kids see on a daily basis.
Should we just put them in a prison type environment until they are 18? - 5150

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