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Scratching my head....Ive tried about everything.


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So I upgraded from a CF4 to an MVP 3 Pro. Max W on the pro is 60w. I was using the classic ISUB apex .5ohm coils at 35w and it was fine but i wanted more. So I purchased the Isub Apex 5 Tank with BVC clapton .5 Ohm Coils. The wattage on the coils is 35-70. I primed the coil correctly and vape it at 60 (the max for my mod) I get little to no vapor and many many dry hits. What gives? Ive checked the connections 10+ times and everything is in place correctly.


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The power is too high for the wicking to keep up... Vape by taste, not numbers...


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Either the coil-head is a dud or you should try again on a mod with a bit more power.
First check to see if the coils is reading true to spec (0.5 ohms)+/-.2 ohms.If it reads true on 2 mods* you're fine.If 1 of them gives a reading of more than (.2) +/- then you might have a dud coil.
You see the other thing is iSub coils like to run at the higher end of their range and I think those claptons would need a bigger push than 60 watts.Say 65-80 watts would be perfect.

*It'd be better to use an Ohm-Meter but checking on 2 mods is fine.


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both mods read .48 ohms. and the clapton coil heads say a max of 70w and a min of 35w so i assumed 60 would be enough but i keep getting dry hits


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The coil should be fine I think.
Let the device sit for a few minutes and take a few puffs but don't hit the fire button.
If your Air Flow Control is wide open close it until it's just a wee bit open.
Back down the power to 35 watts and take a puff if that works but you need/want it warmer go up in increments of 5 watts until the vapor stars to feel warm.
Stop there and let the mod cool down again for a few minutes.
Now take a good long slow puff if the vapor is warm you're set.
If it's still not warm enough repeat the process of taking small puffs and turning it up.
You might have to do this a few times before you find a happy place.


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The other issue may be the juice your using. I dont own an Isub tank but have been told that they do not wick high VG very well.


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im using max vg thats probably the issue. ill switch


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I was going to get a couple of these for out and about tanks because of the price. However I only use max VD do to a PG allergy. The owner of the local shop was nice enough to let me know about the wicking. Hope that will help.


Diamond Contributor
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I didn't even think it might be a wicking issue due to the e-liquid.I've used MAX VG & 100% VG e-liquids in my iSub-G and haven't had issues.As for my iSub-Apex it's a dedicated tank.I only use Gaia* (Purity) from Heather's Heavenly in that.It's got a PG/VG Ratio of 70/30 but it's an N.E.T. coil killer.:eek:

*Mild Heady Turkish Tobacco Blend

It'll also make your place place smell like an Old English Gentleman's Hunting Lodge but I consider that to be a good thing.


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I switched from the black tip that came with the apex 5 and put a third eye on it with a vape band around the gap and that seems to have helped somewhat. same juice. Not sure HOW it helped. but it HAS helped.


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Vapers fatigue, is a more accurate description and it could just be that tank has bad flavor I've had a few tanks like that.

Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk


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When I replace a coil I start the wattage out at a lower setting until the coil "seats in" for lack of a better phrase. In your case I would try a couple of things
1. Soak the coil in juice and see what it does before reinstalling it back into the tank. Maybe a weird vacuum problem. It is a very nice tank though
2. Poke the cotton on both sides of the coil about 3mm deep with a thing sewing needle. I ran into this once but can not explain to you why it worked for me.
Good Luck

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