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Second favorite hobby!


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Little over a year ago I finally decided to try and lose the smokes. Never cared much for cigs but Djarums and I got along just fine! Went to a local vape shop here and started out with a little iTaste clki pen type thing. Didn't take long and I upgraded to an eLeaf 20W box with a Kanger aerotank; I've always been a direct lung guy and while the pen thing worked at the very beginning it was obvious I might need something with a bit more output. That being said the guys here that sold me the pen were awesome for not starting me on the most expensive mod they had.

"Try sub-ohm vaping" people said, so eventually I went and got a 30W eLeaf and a subtank (which, like the aerotank and genitank I also got, leaked like a bastard...can't stand Kanger!). Around that time I started to really look at everything that was out there, what some of the possibilities were. Never been keen to try a rebuildable because it would involve me trying to build something (which usually involves cursing, failure, and more cursing), so I eventually went and got a Sigelei 150W box. Paired it with what I thought seemed like a great sub-ohm tank in the Starre, and at this point I was floored at how good it was.

Of course, I then broke both the mod and the tank through continuous knocking it onto the floor! Mod got screwy internally, and the base of the tank got a Hard to explain. Although, I'm pretty sure the tank got dorked up when I knocked the whole setup onto the floor...while assembling dining room chairs. See, me and building crap...

Anyway, replaced that thing with a Sigelei 150W TC, and now have two Crowns and a Starre Pro with different coils and juices to switch out all day. And haven't broken anything else!

Last time I had an analog smoke? Morning before I drove up to buy the original iTaste pen. So thanks to the vape industry for helping me kick the habit! It's a fun hobby. And I feel healthier. I like trying new coils, new tanks, new flavors, and seeing what happens. My favorite hobby that doesn't involve the word Marshall!


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