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Sedgwick Co. Commission To Consider Allowing Vaping In County Buildings


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, there is still hope for westeren civilization after all.Ironic that in the so called,often ridiculed over/redneckistan part of our country people are logical enough to keep an open mind and experiment...while in the meccas of our country's progressive communities vaping has been fear mongered and regulated with a mindless and as sensless hysteria as witch burnings were....The war on vaping is just goiung to discredit the goverment even further.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
It passed, according to local news, 1st in the country to allow this :)
Explicitly allowed, probably.

But I'm confident there are plenty of places where it's implicitly allowed because nobody has bothered to make it forbidden yet.

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