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Seduce's Snake Oil Clone


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My version:

FW Pear 8%
TFA Bavarian Cream Dx 5%
FA Coconut 1%

Credit goes to BigDaddio at Ecf. I found it here: I never had Seduce's Snake Oil or BigDaddio's version so I have no idea if mine tastes anything like it is supposed to. My taste buds are shot and I am no good at describing flavors but I have a few friends that love this. The recipe in the link gives no brands. In the comments below the recipe several people said that they doubled the percents. I think there are peach and pineapple-peach variations of this too.
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I remember mixing one of the clones from somewhere a few years ago. Can't remember where I got it, and can't find it in my notebook. I do remember really liking it. Good reminder, thanks for posting up!


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My hope is that some of the more talented mixers here who might have more brands of these flavors might feel the urge to make their best version of this.


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My hope is that some of the more talented mixers here who might have more brands of these flavors might feel the urge to make their best version of this.
I remember the one I made was good, I just can't find it, LOL. I used what I had on hand, which was INW Pear. I don't remember it having coconut in it. But, like you, I've never tried the original, so I'm clueless there.


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When I first made it I used FW Bavarian Cream and 3% FW coconut. I could taste the coconut better but that mix would turn considerably darker over time.


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I only ever had the TFA Bavarian Cream, and up until very recently only ever had the FA Coconut. I'll check another notebook and see what I can find. It's very close, no doubt. Part of me is thinking maybe there was a vanilla, but I just can't recall even where I got the recipe.


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Snake oil was my 1st ever diy mix I was thinking of re visiting this again recently. I used tpa coconut inw pear and tpa pear marshmallow and of course Bavarian cream can't remember the percentages off hand tho.


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:ejuice: Gonna mix this as op except using FA pear .. hmmm, :idea:thinking 2% to start..

Thanks for the post.

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