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Semi's Edible Reef Oil - ReVamp

Semi Reduction

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You may be old enough to remember the smell of this tanning oil before skin cancer became an issue.
It was zero SPF, a pure sun magnet!

If not, just picture lounging in the tropics with the one fruit that sums it all up.... coconut!
Reef Oil was pretty much just straight up Coconut, but I've meddled with this (again and again) to give it more depth.

1 - 1.5% FLV Sweet Coconut (start with 1 and up it if you need more Copacabana)
1% INW Biscuit
1% INW Custard
0.5% FLV Butterscotch

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I know that smell all too well. Once again Caramel and Marzipan rear their heads. The 2 most wanted on my list. I love coconut vapes and can't wait to try this.

Semi Reduction

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Haaa yea, I used to love the smell of that stuff.
This doesn't really smell like it. Vanilla/Coconut juices would smell closer, but when I tweaked this to it's final stage, it just brought me back to my youth and the love of coconut, so I used the name out of sentimentality :cool:


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lol, after reading your description the image that popped into my mind was toasted buns ... :D

Looks good, thanks for the share


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I'm all over this @Semi Reduction Thanks for the recipe.
I remember tourist in the sSouth Carolina coast putting motor oil on their skin to tan. Umm yeah....

Semi Reduction

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Haaa motor oiled up. That's classic!
People used to lube themselves up completely with vaseline too.



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Semi Reduction

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Haaa yep and you're still here.
See you were conditioned well.


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This sounds great as I'm am another coconut fiend. Thanks, Semi!

While I have no doubt I am old enough, I'm not one to have used Reef Oil. I did fall deeply in lust with a redhead from SoCal when I was young and foolish, however. She assured me that slathering baby oil on my pasty white body would be great for joining her sunbathing on the beach. Yep, I looked just like Kramer ....


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Do you think I can sub FA cookie, for INW Biscuit or Cap Sugar Cookie.. I have everything else and it sounds awesome

Semi Reduction

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Haaa Sailcat bet it was worth it though.

Thorpemark1, I haven't used the INW or Cap concentrates mentioned, but give it a whirl. I'm working on an updated version of this recipe at the moment with vanilla added to the mix. Play around in the meantime and I'll amend asap


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Really looking forward to the updates version, semi!

Regarding the relationship, it was volatile, the details of which are best shared in convo.

Semi Reduction

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Well I think I've improved it. I've edited the original post. Let me know what ya'll think

Semi Reduction

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Glad you like it mate. Try to tweak next, way nicer IMO

Semi Reduction

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Well times move on, and so has this recipe. Swapped and dropped some flavours, but it's tasting better than it ever has.
OP ammended

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