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Senate votes to apply smoking rules to vaping


Platinum Contributor
Vape Media
Member For 5 Years
some quotes and my response

“When we did the Clean Indoor Air Act, there was no such thing as vaping,” McSorley said, arguing it is time to update the state’s main anti-smoking law.
sure there was you just didnt know it

A report issued last year by the U.S. Surgeon General said e-cigarettes are now the most commonly used tobacco product among youth, surpassing conventional cigarettes in 2014.

Um... while I dont like kids vaping.....YOUR WELCOME. Vaping is safer then cigarettes and less addictive


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
Senate Bill 318 would redefine “indoor space” under the state’s main anti-smoking law to include patios and decks bounded on two sides by walls
Next they'll define a "wall" to be anything taller than a curb...

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